ANA Crowne Plaza Chitose, an IHG Hotel w Chitose

JaponiaANA Crowne Plaza Chitose, an IHG Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-2-1 Hokuei, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-8637, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 123-22-2311
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.8305948, Longitude: 141.6465791

komentarze 5

  • Tiffany Lindsey

    Tiffany Lindsey


    ANA Crowne Plaza was the best hotel! It’s close to the airport, you even see Pilots and Air stewardess staying here. They have a family mart in the first floor, a nice lounge and the breakfast buffet was the most extensive we saw while in Japan. It’s beautiful! The entire hotel is. The rooms were amazing. So large and spacious. So many amenities too. Anything you could possibly think of right there in the bathroom if you need toothpaste/brush, nail care. The tv sounds comes into the bathroom for privacy. There was a hair dryer and a nice steam room/tub. So spacious. The room themselves had a nice view and were quiet. The beds were so comfortable. I was sick while here and it felt so nice to have a comfy bed and pillows. The lighting in the room was nice you could have it bright or just the light on above the beds. A nice selection of teas and a tea kettle that heats up quickly. Iron and Ironing board too for any suits or dresses that need to be pressed. And a nice tv and plenty of storage. There was a mall and food market right next door and a quick walk. KFC was across the street and it wasn’t a long walk to the train station. Highly recommend staying here if in the area.

  • Tonia Ioan

    Tonia Ioan


    not a 5 star star hotel but it deserves 5 stars for the rooms, service etc. We arrived at new chitose airport late at night and we just wanted to stay by the airport as we had a morning flight to catch. Crown plaza is close by. They don’t offer a shuttle (as most of the hotels in the area) but taxis are fairly inexpensive. The ride there was 2500 (prob it’s more expensive at night) and in the morning we paid 2000. Getting a taxi from the hotel was easy as they queue right in front of the hotel. Service was great and people at the check in counter were friendly and helpful. Rooms were clean and comfy and the shower was exactly what you need after a long day of traveling. There is also a family mart, a bar/restaurant in the hotel which is pretty convenient. But there are a lot of places around the hotel within walking distance if you want to try something else.

  • Manu S.

    Manu S.


    Very well equipped airport hotel. Rather luxurious, rooms larger than usual in Japan. The breakfast buffet had everything from traditional to western. 10 minutes walk from Chitose train and bus station, approx. 10 minutes bus ride to the airport. Unfortunately there is no airport shuttle directly from the hotel.

  • Pailin Srisuratsiri

    Pailin Srisuratsiri


    I stayed at the hotel for one night before flying home as my return flight was in the morning. Rooms at the hotel are equipped with modern appliances, convenient to the airport. Three years ago I stayed at this hotel for an early morning flight where the hotel had an airport shuttle which I was very impressed with. Unfortunately, that service is no longer available, but it was still convenient to get to the airport by walking to JR Chitose Station, which was a hassle only by having to lug our large bags onto the morning train. Overall, the service staff were very good. They helped us contact the hotel we came from because our credit card was lost. Thank you very much. I'm impressed. Will definitely come back again.

  • Jeffrey Behm

    Jeffrey Behm


    Very nice hotel: modern rooms & nice bathroom, good service, and very good Japanese-style restaurant on-site. We only stayed for one night coming in late on flights from the US, but convenient location to the airport and perfect for what we needed. I would definitely stay here again if flying in/out of CTS.

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