Hotel Areaone Chitose w Chitose

JaponiaHotel Areaone Chitose



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6-chōme-1 Saiwaichō, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0063, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 123-26-1156
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.8257571, Longitude: 141.6511646

komentarze 5

  • Judy OBrien

    Judy OBrien


    Great business hotel, just a 5 minute walk from Chitose station and a 15 minute drive from Shin Chitose airport. Booked a single room, it was well sized with plenty of space for luggage. There sre no USB ports in the room but there are lots of power outlets, including one in the bed headboard. The AC and all room lights can also be operated from the headboard. There are three different lighting options in the room. The hotel has a small public bath on the 6th floor. The ladies is locked and can be opened with a key provided upon check in. There is a restaurant on the 2nd floor, groceries ad vending machines in the lobby and access to a next door izakaya from the lobby. The hotel provides a shuttle bus to and from the airport. The hotel has free onsite parking. There are lots of restaurants and cafes in the local area.

  • SiewYee Choo

    SiewYee Choo


    It was a last minute decision we booked a 4 adult bedroom for a short rest before heading to Chitose Airport. My mum, my husband, 2 kids and me reached the train station at 11pm and pulled our trolly luggages through the icy pavement to the hotel, When we reached the hotel lobby, the receptionist asked for our passports. He checked our particulars and gave an angry look. He rudely instructed, you have 5 people, 1 of you get out of my hotel and stay somewhere else. You have booked for 4 adult only. I told him I just need 1 room for 5 hours and unfortunately the website does not allow 5 people in the room. My husband then suggested he will stay at the lobby while we go to the room to rest. The receptionist rejected my explanation as well as my husband suggestion. He mentioned there is ONLY have 1 room left for 4 of us. My husband CANNOT stay in the lobby. Leaving my husband outdoor in the cold for 5 hours is not a solution as we may not be able to get another hotel at that time. After 20 mins of explaining the situation n him rudely asking one of us to leave 'his' hotel, he then went into the room behind the counter to discuss with his colleague. He then came out to request us to pay for a 1 Adult room. We were tired and very glad there was a solution to this. When we checked into the room, we found 1 queen bed, 1 single bed and 2 futon in the room. The room is meant for 5 people!!! The air con was faulty and room was not well maintained. Overall, I felt the receptionist was rude and no empathy towards our situation. If he had suggested us to pay for extra from the beginning, we will be gladly to do so. We will not go back to this hotel again as it was a nightmare experience for us.

  • Prasarn Lerkumnueychok

    Prasarn Lerkumnueychok


    Nice and clean. Great location, just two minute walk from Chitose station. Room is bigger than standard japan room size. Bathroom is a bit small but full of function that we need. Recommend for traveler who travel with friend and family.

  • ベン・Benseun's vlog

    ベン・Benseun's vlog


    Good place to stay over before flying off from New Chitose Airport the next day. Hotel may be a little old but it has what it needs to give traveller a good rest. Air moisturiser is available for loan, free airport shuttle till 10AM, also free hot drinks from vending machine in the morning. The area is nearby the JR station ( a good 5mins walk) also has a large supermarket and game store nearby. Many eateries are available as well. However the area usually closes around 9PM and opens 10AM. Also the bed for queen sized can be a little too small. Lack of wall power plugs as well. Public bath is just a small one. Sauna is not open at night.

  • Lee Seoung Ho

    Lee Seoung Ho


    Location is 5mins walk from Chitose station. Not too far away. We asked the staff to look after our luggage as we went to the hotel before check-in time proper. When we returned to check-in, they had put our luggage at the room! That was a very nice gesture. The room was not too bad. Bed a bit small for 2. Water heater was the hot pot type, which was a bit disappointing. But room was clean, Recommended for those on a budget .Most important they provide Shuttle Buss to Airport for free (15minutes) n must book in advance..

najbliższy Kwatera

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