A Coop Hi Mart Hojo en Matsuyama

JapónA Coop Hi Mart Hojo



🕗 horarios

445-3 Hōjōtsuji, Matsuyama, Ehime 799-2430, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-993-3120
sitio web: acoop-nishinihon.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9717228, Longitude: 132.7756355

comentarios 5

  • アンパンマンアンパンマン



    5 stars because there was a good-looking man

  • BF最高!



    Since it is directly managed by JA, the quality of the meat is good, but the prices are quite high, so you can expect a discount sticker. The only other thing that stands out is the local farmer's vegetable section. Anyway, the store as a whole doesn't have any products that make you think it's cheap. Since the price of the flyers is the same as normal prices at other stores, there are no customers who buy in large quantities.

  • 1203 t (‪tttt‬)

    1203 t (‪tttt‬)


    About the eat-in corner [Evaluation items Individual] Cooking:★★★★☆ Drink: ★☆☆☆☆ Service: ★★★☆☆ Atmosphere: ★★★☆☆ Cost performance: ★★★★☆ QR payment:★★☆☆☆ Location: ★★★☆☆ Repeat rate: ★☆☆☆☆ Overall review: ★★★☆☆ 【comment】 They sell takoyaki, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, and udon. I will make it after receiving your order! Since I wanted okonomiyaki, I ordered Hiroshima-style meatball soba for about 700 yen! Very satisfied with the volume! ←Women may not be able to eat all of it. [Evaluation items: Families with children] Children under 3 months: ☆☆☆☆☆ Children aged 3 to 6 months: ★★☆☆☆ Children 6-12 months: ★★★★☆ Children 1-3 years old: ★★★★☆ Children aged 4-6: ★★★★☆ 【comment】 There are only adult chairs, so if you can sit down, you might be able to use the eat-in corner. The udon noodles are soft and I think even children will enjoy eating them♪ *If you have a stroller, the recommendation level will change. *This evaluation is based on the assumption that the facilities are used.

  • 松尾旭



    I often buy meat here. There is also a corner where you can make your own curry and cooked rice. Coop itself seems to have a motto of local production for local consumption, and many of the fish and other items are local.

  • ジジー.



    I like seasonal vegetables brought by farmers. I think the prices for meat and fish are the same as other stores. I feel that the time to apply discount stickers is faster than at Fuji and Marunaka. Sounds good. 😊 Also, there is Daiki nearby, which is convenient.

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