サンエース南店 en Matsuyama




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288-3 Kōnonakasuka, Matsuyama, Ehime 799-2438, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-993-2232
sitio web: sun-ace.jimdo.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.946051, Longitude: 132.769562

comentarios 5

  • コロ



    My favorite supermarket ever. There was one in front of Tanukibayashi, but it's been a few years since it was folded up. Anyway, the side dishes are delicious. The handmade bag-shaped croquettes I bought yesterday were excellent. It was sticky, moist and delicious ❤️ On the past day, there were times when blue wrasse and blue crabs were on sale. I rarely see Bella in stores. Soft and fluffy white flesh. It has a lot of small bones, but it's my favorite fish. I have nothing but good feelings 😄

  • mai wa

    mai wa


    The side dishes are delicious. It's nice to have core fried food. It's great that it only contains fried squid. I'm glad they sell Seijo Ishii cookies.

  • SHIN



    This is a small to medium-sized supermarket with many local customers. Due to its proximity to the ocean, it sells many seafood products, including whale meat. I think this restaurant specializes in fish and meat. There are also many discounted items.

  • 須藤祐樹



    They have sashimi that other supermarkets don't have, which is great. The price is quite low. You can buy delicious fish. From a local perspective, it's quite a store.ヽ(・ω・)ノ✨

  • Hidefumi Inoue

    Hidefumi Inoue


    I stopped by to buy a lunch box for cherry blossom viewing. I chose this restaurant because I had received lunch boxes from this restaurant several times from acquaintances. There are many types of bento boxes, and the prices are great. At the same time, vegetables and hotpot ramen were cheaper, so I bought those as well.

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