Takahashi Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaTakahashi Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-9-20 Atagomachi, Kochi, 780-0051, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-822-1616
strona internetowej: 高橋病院.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.570766, Longitude: 133.536886

komentarze 5

  • たた



    You don't need stars either. Really not worth going. I look at the ratings and agree that they are low. I originally started going there because of Dr. Ichikawa, but the current person whose name I don't remember is unfriendly in his examinations. Even if the purpose is to purchase contacts, if you have noticed any other eye condition, shouldn't you tell the patient? If you didn't notice it in the first place, you're a very incompetent doctor. Dr. Ichikawa was kind to me without even mentioning it, so I wonder if it's not shared within the hospital? That makes me question it. The receptionist also has different things to say depending on the person, and it feels very bad. This is a makeshift response.

  • tomohiro1110.52



    I went to an internal medicine clinic and an ophthalmology clinic early in the morning, but since they didn't have any internal medicine doctors, I asked them to just see an ophthalmology clinic, but they suspected coronavirus and told me that Takahashi couldn't see them, so they recommended me to a different hospital and they gave me the test results. I was asked to come again if I knew what was going on, so I declined. What do you think about patients who go early in the morning and suffer from pain without having to wait if they can't see it from the beginning? At Takahashi Hospital, I was passed around and called by different names, and the staff and doctors were the worst. I won't go again yet

  • すみっコ



    The receptionist is always rude when I call.

  • rin sino

    rin sino


    Although the hospital facility is old, I think the staff and doctors are kind. If you ask me if I would recommend it to anyone, I would be hesitant.

  • のあやまきしん



    When I went there to change the brand of contacts I usually use, I was told that I should go to another ophthalmology clinic because they don't carry that brand, perhaps because it's a hassle. I think it's the worst way to respond, even if you lie, you should just try not to let anyone know.

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