Chikamori Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaChikamori Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-1-16 Ōkawasuji, Kochi, 780-0052, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-822-5231
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.564364, Longitude: 133.542305

komentarze 5

  • もんぷち



    The male nurses in the KK ward are the worst. When I complained to another nurse, the nurse manager understood the magnitude of the incident and immediately came to bow to me, so I won't reveal her name or what happened to her. It is a closed space where visitors are not allowed, and a voice recorder alone will not serve as evidence, so we recommend that you record it on video. I would like to give a 1 star because it saved my life, but I'll give it a 3 star.

  • O



    Low level of nurses. Maybe it's because there are a lot of young people ・It hurts my ears to chat in a loud voice. ・I had a tube inserted and was still in pain after the surgery. ``It's still painful so I don't have to remove it.'' When I told her that, the moment I closed the curtains “On hold!” I said loudly. I couldn't believe my ears. He may have put on an apron and prepared to have the tube removed, but he had to listen to it first before dressing up like that. ・Although it was nice that a different male nurse came and took me for the X-ray, the person taking the X-ray continued to shove a board into my back so hard even though I said it hurt, which was really bad. Can't you be kind to the sick? When she returned to the large room, the nurse's pocket cell phone rang, and she started talking and left without saying anything. And I forgot to close the individual curtains. Just close the curtains. I was thinking of closing it myself It hurts so much I can't move. Impossible. And to draw blood 2 failures per person Eh, why is my skin so hard? Blood vessels escape While saying things like It failed about 6 times. There was also a nurse who didn't apologize. My arm is badly damaged. Even though my stomach hurts Injected many times I don't know which one hurts more Please do it in one go. I'm really kidding the nurse. The specialist was very good, but Even if someone is introduced to me, I will refuse next time. I don't want to come again

  • Nico Nico

    Nico Nico


    I have been receiving treatment for an intractable disease for about two years now. To be honest, my first doctor didn't agree with me, but my current doctor is very kind and listens to my concerns in addition to the symptoms of my illness and suggests ways to deal with them. Also, all the nurses in the north wing were very kind and I was able to enter the hospital with peace of mind. It is thanks to everyone involved at this hospital that even patients with incurable diseases who have no hope of being cured can still try to live their lives positively. thank you.

  • 成嶋京



    Around 10 o'clock this morning, The tall, white-haired, slender man in blue clothes who led me to the multi-storey parking lot had an unpleasant feel to it. I'm not used to multi-storey parking lots, so after parking, I opened the window and asked, ``What should I do next?'' ” When I asked “You came to the hospital, right? What are you doing? The hospital is over there, but I leave early and the back is crowded.'' If you are going to hire a person with a disability who cannot communicate, I would like it to be understandable to the general public.

  • Jimmy Fitzback

    Jimmy Fitzback


    I went there for an emergency in the middle of the night. I was shocked by the care and productivity of the staff. Within one hours they completed many scans and analysis and were able to diagnose my condition quite rapidly. The young male doctor was not only kind but his English was perfect and it saved us a lot of time. I want to thank everyone at this hospital for their hard work as well as the ambulance guys who took very good care of me. The hospital is clean, smells good and looks very modern! Overall, when I compare with Canada's healthcare system, it is a complete shock...! I hope our system was as good back home!

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