Kuniyoshi Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaKuniyoshi Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒780-0901 Kochi, Kamimachi, 1-chōme−3−4 6階
kontakt telefon: +81 88-875-0231
strona internetowej: www.kuniyoshi-hp.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.558476, Longitude: 133.526082

komentarze 5

  • ドラまさ



    Although the reviews are quite low, other than the woman at the reception desk who was unfriendly, the nurses and doctors were very nice. I think it's a very good hospital.

  • route55



    [If you don't want it to get worse, go to another hospital...] ​​Huh? I couldn't believe my ears. After 1 a.m., I was suffering from bloody urine, back pain, and abdominal pain due to kidney stones, so I contacted Kuniyoshi and Hosoki, the only after-hours nearby. However, [the doctor on duty specializes in internal medicine, so please look for a urologist] [Even if it's just for tonight's painkiller...] [Please try something else] Suffering from pain, I searched online for over an hour, but couldn't find anything, so I contacted them again. Reluctantly OK. When I went there, the nurse asked the doctor, ``Do you want to prepare for an echo?'' ] I asked, but he ignored me. . . The doctor on duty was probably the director's son or something, and he was sitting hunched over in his chair and said, ``I've got other things to do, so go over there!'' ! Even if you come here, we can't give you any treatment! ! ! ], without palpation or inspection. . . In the end, they just gave me suppositories. There's no point in being on duty outside of business hours! I wanted him to be treated as an emergency patient and as a sick person.

  • 土佐鰹



    I have used gastroscopy several times before. The director always explains everything in an easy-to-understand manner, so you can feel at ease during your visit. This was the first time I went to see a doctor after learning that I could get a colon exam and a set. The room was private and comfortable with a TV, air conditioner, and toilet. Above all, the 7 or 8 nurses who took care of me during this test spoke very kind words and made me feel at ease.

  • KV A

    KV A


    I went to see an orthopedic surgeon. The doctors and nurses aren't particularly friendly or nice, but I don't go to hospitals looking for friendliness in the first place, so it doesn't bother me. He was very thorough and explained everything in an easy to understand manner, and the pain was completely gone after treatment. I deducted one star because I couldn't get a smartphone signal in the waiting area.

  • 幸


    When I went to a different plastic surgery clinic, I didn't get a good impression. Even though I was in pain, I couldn't bring myself to go, but I couldn't bear it any longer, so I visited this orthopedic clinic. When I was confused at the entrance, a nurse called out to me and guided me to the reception desk. The receptionist also responded politely. Perhaps by chance, the waiting time was short and I was able to see the doctor right away. The doctor who examined me was also kind and patient, explaining and responding to my concerns. As a result, tendonitis. After receiving the injection, I felt much better, although I still felt some pain and discomfort. The injection wasn't as painful as I expected. I think it may or may not be suitable for different people, but I'm glad I went.

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