Shimazu Hospital w Kochi

JaponiaShimazu Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-6-22 Hijimachō, Kochi, 780-0066, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-823-2285
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5733415, Longitude: 133.5499686

komentarze 5

  • Fei Xiong

    Fei Xiong


    The driving manners of staff and hospital cars are a mess! Ignoring the temporary stop and driving at double speed as if they didn't understand the 30km limit in residential areas. Take corrective measures within the hospital. It is dangerous for employees who commute by car and to drive one box at the hospital. When the staff from the upper and lower divisions came to the hospital, it was very dangerous to open a box at the hospital. Please report your countermeasure results below!

  • Akihiro Kawamura

    Akihiro Kawamura


    My parents are on dialysis and I am indebted to them. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are no longer providing transportation for patients using other daycare facilities. There is no clear outlook or guidelines for reopening, and we are in trouble because we have been given a domineering response by saying that if you use Shimadzu's day care, we will provide transportation. When I told her that I was having trouble, the nurse laughed and said that it was up to the doctor to decide. It seems that the amount of money that Shimazu Hospital receives from the government will not change even if there is no transportation. Of course, that includes the cost of transportation. If you don't provide transportation and receive the money for transportation, shouldn't you do something about it? I can somewhat understand it now that measures have been taken to prevent the spread of the virus, but I would like to see guidelines for reopening. I would also like to see medical evidence showing that other daycares are not acceptable, but daycares under your jurisdiction are fine. The amount paid for dialysis is the same, and I feel bad saying this as someone who is helping everyone, but there are also people who are in a similar situation and are having trouble.

  • ココ



    This was my first visit to a nephrologist. She was a very friendly female doctor, and I was able to ask her any questions I had. The outpatient clinic was quiet and not crowded. The waiting time for the test was indicated on the electronic version in front of the examination room, so I was able to wait with peace of mind.

  • とみおかせい(とみちゃん)



    The nurses and male and female technicians in the dialysis room are all kind and helpful. And everyone is working very hard and seriously! I respect you. keep it up!

  • HIRO river

    HIRO river


    The building is beautiful. The cost is probably covered by artificial dialysis. Artificial dialysis creates a loop of life and violates patients' dignity and bodies. Moreover, as a person with a disability, the government pays for his treatment. No matter how you look at it, the idea is not to provide treatment, but to hold the lives of the people hostage and demand high ``treatment costs'' from the government. The fact is that it still saves many people's lives, but given that it lasts a lifetime, it's more like a life support machine than a treatment. Moreover, once it begins, neither the doctor nor the patient can stop it on their own will, a loop of life. I don't have the opportunity to think about it later and decide what to do before I start, but I think this issue should be discussed more. In that sense, this is a hospital that I hope will do better.

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