Zunberaya en Hirakata




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2-chōme-33-12 Taguchiyama, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5487-2164
sitio web: zunberaya.gorp.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8264887, Longitude: 135.6947646

comentarios 5

  • もりお



    If you're hungry, this is the place. Free refills of rice and miso soup. Set meals with a choice of 2 to 3 items, individual set meals, ladies' set meals, big eating challenges, and take-out bento boxes are sure to leave customers feeling full. ■■In-store■■ Visited with my partner after 1pm on a weekday. A parking lot that can accommodate a considerable amount of space. In collaboration with other stores, it is about 80% full. There are about 4 seats outside the store for people waiting. When I entered the store, there were only about 20% of customers. Inside the restaurant, there are tables that seat 4 to 6 people. We were free to choose our table. The table has a menu table and call buttons. There is a wall-mounted TV in the store, and the volume is high enough that you can hear clearly. In the common space, there is a rice cooker with miso soup (mixed miso, red dashi) and rice, and a rice scoop next to it, both unused and used, so you can use them properly. Furikake (mentaiko, cod roe, sesame salt, etc.) ■■Menu■■ There are a variety of fried foods, meat and fish, curry, noodles, etc. "3-course set meal 1,300 yen to choose from 50 types" *Additional price may be required depending on the menu. "Teppan premium lunch with hamburger, fried shrimp, pork belly, etc. 1,380 yen" "500 grams of rice with demi sauce cutlet rice 1000 yen" "Weekly lunch 800 yen" "Weekly curry 800 yen" “Limited Quantity Teppanyaki Chicken Nanban Lunch 1050 yen” etc. *All prices include tax ■■Other■■ By the way, the reason I came here was because I really wanted to eat chicken nanban, so I came to a restaurant that I had been interested in for a while. The other day, there was a special feature on Chicken Nanban on a TV program, and the influence of the media is scary (lol) Another store, the Matsui Yamate store in Kyoto Prefecture, is listed on the Pia MOOK Kansai Big and Delicious Stores as mentioned on the website. ■■Order■■ "Chicken nanban set meal with raw tartar sauce and choice of parts - regular 990 yen, 1.5 times 1280 yen" First, I chose the thigh meat from the parts (thigh or breast). The size is 1.5 times. There are 3 out of 10 types of tartar sauce. If it's a normal size, it's two. "Normal, Wasabi, Garlic, Yuzu Pepper, Aurora, Miso, Ichimi, Curry, Takana, Super Spicy" Choose from Normal, Aurora, and Wasabi, which are all described as delicious. Served in about 10 minutes. Three large pieces of chicken nanban on a plate piled high with shredded cabbage. From the left, the tartar sauces are Aurora, Wasabi, and Normal. 4 large bite-sized pieces x 3 pieces. The meat is also about 1cm thick. The juicy thigh meat is covered with batter. The tartar sauce is also covered in this. The Nanban sauce has a sweet and slightly sour finish. Aurora has a richer taste with sweet and sour taste. Wasabi has a unique spiciness and is refreshing. Normal makes the most of the original taste of Nanban sauce. White rice tastes simple. When replacing white rice “We have chicken rice today.” When I noticed the headline, I asked the store staff and they gave me a heaping amount. Chicken rice. There are no other ingredients other than chicken, but the chicken goes well with the rice that has a nice soup stock. "Ladies lunch 920 yen" ・Demiglace hamburger A nostalgic hamburger. Mixed ground with a gentle taste. ・Yuba rolls There are several in it, and it has a mellow taste. ・Dashi-maki egg It's rather light and sweet. ・Dessert It changes daily, and today it's fondant chocolate. I wasn't expecting much since most of the menu items were for men, but I was able to enjoy the rich chocolate flavor. ■■Finally■■ I thought the staff's customer service and the food was good, but I was concerned about the flooring inside the store. My sneakers feel like they're sticking to the floor every time I walk. This happens sometimes at Chinese, ramen, and yakiniku restaurants. Although there are menus for children and women, I think this is the best restaurant for men who eat heartily, so I would like to support this restaurant in the future. By the way, on this day, I didn't get hungry until the evening, so I cut my dinner to less than half. I'm very full and very satisfied. Payment is by cash or PayPay only. Thank you for the meal (*^^*)

  • みっち



    Is delicious. I've only been there during lunch on weekends, but only once did I have to wait a long time because there were so many people in line. I had a variety of things, and they were all delicious. ``White rice'' is delicious, and I don't know if it's always available, but there are many places where you can choose something like ``mixed rice.'' The best is a set meal where you can choose 2 to 3 side dishes of your choice. However, my wife, who can't eat much, said, ``I wish there was a set meal where you could choose just one side dish.'' There are free refills of rice and miso soup, and I go to pick them up myself, but I tend to get so excited that I end up picking them up before the side dishes arrive and end up getting full. I feel that the customer service is good, but one day I was guided by a young girl who made me feel like she might not be very good at talking to people (I wasn't uncomfortable). Also, there was one day when my son and I both received different side dishes than what we ordered (one of the two dishes was different from what we ordered), and it was delicious, too. ,. I think I'll bother you again.

  • 山本恵



    Anyway, it's full of volume!! Extensive menu and reasonable prices. If you bring your friends, everyone will be happy. Free refills of rice and miso soup. Even when I have 3 types of furikake on hand and a daily special of rice (seasoned rice, chicken rice, etc.). Miso soup has a combination and red soup stock. If the volume is too large and you can't finish it all, they will give you a pack. I'm grateful to be able to take it home. There are also takeout frozen side dishes next to the entrance.

  • katsu m.

    katsu m.


    I had a 3-course set meal for lunch (1300 yen). You can choose from a variety of side dishes, but depending on how you choose the side dishes, the cost performance will be quite poor. You can get unlimited refills of the rice and miso soup, so if that's what you're looking for, it might be a good idea. Personally, the dashimaki egg was a disappointment. And salt-grilled mackerel. I think this restaurant probably serves meat. Chicken nanban was small, but the chicken was delicious. Although it is a popular store, the interior is spacious so you can relax. I was able to use PayPay.

  • 近江てん



    3-course set meal 1,300 yen, chicken cutlet tartar sauce hamburger demi sauce Grilled pork with ginger is. For dinner, The one who mixes the furikake is It was in the free refill corner. I like this kind of attentiveness 😊 Chicken cutlet and ginger grilled I noticed that it was a little cold, It was a proper and delicious thing. Our daily and weekly lunch menus are It was a great deal, so I would recommend it at lunchtime. In the on-site parking lot, There is a convenience store and chateraise. Even dessert is covered. It's Nikui😍

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