Zuiun Kanazawa i Kanazawa

JapanZuiun Kanazawa



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4-chōme-17 Izumihonmachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8042, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-243-5506
internet side: www.zuiun.jp
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Latitude: 36.5509216, Longitude: 136.6397167

kommentar 5

  • • Kanazawa Life

    • Kanazawa Life


    I've been eating the same menu for about 4 years. Of course, before you eat, take a look at the richness of the lunch menu only available here. I'm glad I left a picture of it, and it's always a satisfying meal. It seemed like he had been on a show recently, so it seemed more crowded than before. I visited for lunch, and for the first time that day, I felt uncomfortable with the menu, and I was really worried about whether or not I should express my opinion to the restaurant. This has never happened to me before, but some of the side dishes that are always included in the one-plate menu were missing (deep-fried taro), so I had to request them separately. The meat was so tough I had no choice but to leave it. The fact that the plate was not in perfect condition meant that other staff members Couldn't you check it? What bothered me the most was the condition of the grilled chicken. There is no grill aroma or feeling of cooking. However, the surface looked like it had been boiled in water, and I could even smell a smell that I hadn't been able to detect before. I heard from the chef, ``This is because the cooking method for the chicken menu changes.'' However, this was my first experience. Could you please tell me more clearly where the notification is being sent? I valued this cafe very much, so I was worried about how to tell them about the inconvenience without offending them. I was heartbroken to see them not empathizing with the customer's inconvenience at all. Rather, we are expressing our opinions. Maybe it looked weird to other people. I didn't feel any discomfort, and I ordered it because I liked the crunchy and grilled aroma. People who come for the first time will probably eat it without any problem because it's ``this way it originally tasted''. Some customers may come to love the taste of grilled chicken like we did. I want to respect the chef's commitment to food and his attempts to change the food. Despite the disappointing comments from customers who experienced the messed up taste for the first time in four years. It's a shame that there was no one to listen to me carefully and empathize with me. It's a busy time, so we apologize as much as possible. I tried my best to convey your message. That was a really unfortunate response.

  • SS Ishi

    SS Ishi


    I visited with three friends during cafe time. The first floor had stylish interiors and miscellaneous goods, so I was very excited. The overall atmosphere is very nice, and I wish I could live in a house like this. The price seemed quite high, but I thought it would be a good gift for myself or something to send. The cafe is located at the back of the store, and you order and pay at the counter. You will receive the products made there, go down the stairs, and enjoy them in the basement cafe space. When choosing a menu, it was a little hard to understand as there were only text and no photos, but I chose it after looking at other people's reviews and photos on Google Maps. Electronic money is also accepted for payment. The stairs going to the basement are a little scary. The underground room was very spacious and looked like a secret base. I chatted with friends in a semi-private room or small room, and I was able to relax and not worry about my surroundings.

  • Cynthia Galicia

    Cynthia Galicia


    The place is super nice, they have a basement that's super cozy. The only downside if you go might be crowded and not enough place to sit.

  • shirleen t.

    shirleen t.


    Great healthy food with huge portions, smooth latte. would be better if they practiced social distancing with greater spacing of seats.

  • Philip Cadzow

    Philip Cadzow


    Free parking and the downstairs cafe has always got a spare table for study

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