自家焙煎珈琲 cafe CARTON en Gifu

Japón自家焙煎珈琲 cafe CARTON



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-6 Tamamiyachō, Gifu, 500-8835, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 58-266-0427
sitio web: www.cafe-carton.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.4137976, Longitude: 136.7581531

comentarios 5

  • Yoshihiro Matsuoka

    Yoshihiro Matsuoka


    Located in Tamamiya's bar district, it feels like a long-established coffee shop that seems to be operating as a one-off shop, and the interior is relatively stylish and the space is very relaxing. Not only the coffee but also the sweets are delicious, and I think it's perfect when you want to take a break or just chat quietly.

  • 花咲Chat male

    花咲Chat male


    It is located in an area of ​​Gifu City that is dotted with boutiques and stylish restaurants. A long-established coffee specialty store. First of all, the cost performance, including the sweets, is excellent. High quality but reasonably priced! I ordered Kenyan dark roast coffee and chestnut Mont Blanc cake. The purity of the taste of the coffee is the highest, and it is a taste that cannot be competed with by trendy coffee chains. The store layout has a simple and stylish design with minimal waste. It's a well-maintained and relaxing space. However, it has a strong atmosphere that is too specialized for the purpose of purely enjoying coffee, and it seems to be difficult for beginners to casually enter. How about making it a little more casual?

  • Wilson tjhia

    Wilson tjhia


    Great coffee, delicious cake and very cozy atmosphere




    Perfect coffee I have had in Japan.

  • xabbujapan



    Nice small place. Coffee is great but the tea is a bit simple and over priced.

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