Bakery Cafe151@ en Kaizu

JapónBakery Cafe151@



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403-3 Kaizuchō Manome, Kaizu, Gifu 503-0652, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 584-53-0999
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2223131, Longitude: 136.6424792

comentarios 5

  • Iduru Irma

    Iduru Irma


    I came on May 30th, 2024. It was full of fashion and felt like a building from the Burgundy region of France. At first I made a mistake and went to a bread store➡️ on the right... Lunch was at the restaurant on the left ⬅️. It's basically one big building. 🍞The right half is a bakery🥐 🍽️The left half is a cafe restaurant🍛 Most of the seats were filled with female customers. What I received was 🥗Salad lunch🥗¥1,350 comes with extra bread🆗, so the price is reasonable. I'm not dissatisfied with the salads, soups, and drinks. ? 🥐 There are only 3 types that can be eaten as is with bread, but what do you eat the latter 2 types of baguette with? ️ Is corn pota too viscous to be eaten with bread? ? Since I had no choice, I replaced the dressing and used it as a substitute for something to put on bread. It can be made cheaply after being chopped. 🧅The onion soup would have been perfect. 💯 Other menu items are too expensive! ! +Dessert costs an additional ¥350, right? ? Does the other lunch menu come with dessert at that price? That's what I thought... ...It's a shame😢 Even if it's a high-end Western restaurant for lunch, is it over ¥3000? ? What do you think? ? If you want to pay ¥3000, go to Toyoken main store for weekly lunch.

  • Tan Kai Feng

    Tan Kai Feng


    Really scrumptious breakkie there,as well as the BGM, love it

  • Yui Mukai

    Yui Mukai


    The best café in Kaizu is here! Lovely atmosphere and delicious bread.

  • Samuel Ito

    Samuel Ito


    A fantastic cafe! Matcha lattes are delicious, the soup curry is wonderfully spiced and the staff are very kind. Highly recommended!

  • モーバロミー ダ ホミー

    モーバロミー ダ ホミー


    The bomb!

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