rustico2 en Gifu




🕗 horarios

4-chōme-6-6番10号 Yabutaminami, Gifu, 500-8384, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 58-215-8476
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.3889267, Longitude: 136.7190189

comentarios 5

  • Sai



    I happened to be looking for a place to eat lunch on Google Maps, and the reviews were good, so I went there. I don't think I would have known where the entrance was if I hadn't seen the previous customer entering. It seems that the price of drinks already takes into account the addition of breakfast. As of June 2024, the price of a drink comes with 3 types of bread in the morning. For an additional 200 yen, you can increase the volume to 6 dishes + salad. I wasn't that hungry so I just had 3 dishes. I had one slice of bread and two half-sized pieces of bread, so I was pretty full. It was warmed up well, and the bread was really crispy and delicious. What followed was something like cream bread, and hard bread with nuts and sweet potatoes in it. It was also delicious. Breakfast is served until 2pm, and after that there will be a snack set, so I'm also curious about that. The quiche also looked very delicious, so if I have a chance to come again, I will try it. Thank you for the meal.

  • Taimoor Sultan

    Taimoor Sultan


    On the morning of 28 April 2024, I went to this coffee shop named ( rustico2 ) and it’s a quiet famous place in this area with limited parking. After a 15-minute wait, I parked my car and entered, The place was filled with customers waiting for their orders. I informed them of my pork allergy, but they served me bacon-filled bread twice which was really disappointing. Despite the inconvenience, I gave them four stars because the bread they served me was delicious. But It's really important to be cautious about allergies and dietary restrictions.

  • 刹那



    This is my first visit to the store. Did you know about it for a long time? I could see it was crowded from outside, so I stayed away from visiting, but I arrived on 2024/02/03. I had to wait, but the products in the showcase were amazing and all looked delicious...I didn't mind the wait. It was a stylish space. The bread on the morning plate was different for each person, so it was a dish that I would like to have next time.The cafe latte was not too sweet and matched well with the bread, giving it a uniform feel. There were several types of quiche, but I got the one with young corn and it was really delicious. It's time for the next one.

  • Hakan Dursun

    Hakan Dursun


    Great breads with walnuts and figs/raisins.

  • ziggy Aikman

    ziggy Aikman


    A very good bakery with high quality bread their baguette can compete with the original French baguettes. I lived in France and in Japan so I think I can compare. Every week I drive about 1 hour to buy my bread there.

Cafetería más cercano

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