竹内歯科クリニック i Niigata




🕗 åbningstider

7-1 Akanegaoka, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0212, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-385-5016
internet side: www.takeuchi-shika.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.8569355, Longitude: 139.1397044

kommentar 5

  • 松原理絵



    Thank you for your kind response, everyone.

  • ゼロラスク



    Even if you have a reservation, you may have to wait 20 to 40 minutes. (In the case of a regular checkup, it is relatively early) Even when you think you are finally called, treatment does not start immediately, and even when treatment starts, there are basically 2 to 3 patients undergoing treatment at the same time, so you are left alone again. Often. I've had the experience of finally returning home after taking almost two hours. I get the impression that there are too many reservations packed into the same time slot. The doctor always seems to be busy and doesn't give much detailed explanation of the treatment, so the staff seems to do it for him. I guess it helps that the staff are kind. This is not a dentist I would recommend to people who don't have a lot of time. .

  • 梅雨



    There's no explanation to the patient, so I don't know what's going on, and the waiting time is long. Some of the rooms were dirty so I got the impression that it was a bit unpleasant. However, the assistant was kind and nice.

  • クゥー(チャラリン)



    The doctors and dental assistants are all very kind people. Many people say that the receptionist's attitude is bad, but it's true that two or three years ago, the young receptionist's telephone response was not good. However, the current receptionist has never thought that way. It's hard to talk to her if she's formal, but I found her to be at home and easy to talk to, and we had fun conversations. Even if I suddenly cancel due to personal reasons, they will respond pleasantly and say, ``It's okay,'' and they will also make a next reservation. Isn't it different depending on how everyone perceives it? →I would appreciate it if you would consider this review to be just one of my own opinions.

  • Vギャロ



    The teachers and assistants are great, but the woman at the reception desk is the worst. When I make a reservation, I get irritated, I talk in a boring way, and I don't have good manners as a member of society. I continue to go to the school because the teacher is a good teacher, but I would like to stop going because I feel uncomfortable depending on how the receptionist treats me.

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