Kamo Dental Clinic i Niigata

JapanKamo Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒950-0908 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Saiwainishi, 1-chōme−5−20 メゾン八千代 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 25-244-5818
internet side: www.kamo-dc.info
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.9120651, Longitude: 139.0500524

kommentar 5

  • マシャ



    The prices are high and the number of treatments is high. I went for a dental checkup in Niigata City and was told that there was no cavities, but that I needed to remove tartar from my teeth. This is my 3rd time just to have tartar removed (treatment cost is 2,200-3,500 yen each time), and I was told that I would need to visit the hospital two more times. I feel that the treatment time is actually short, less than 15 minutes. The service is polite and kind, so it may be a good option for those who have plenty of time and money.

  • Siying Pan

    Siying Pan


  • れもん55



    The female doctor and the staff are very kind.

  • 吉田るな



    It's a clinic where all the doctors, including the doctors, are women. Everyone is beautiful and kind, and the atmosphere is very homely. Good at cleaning teeth (^-^) However, they take an X-ray every time I go, which is impossible, and I'm more scared of the radiation exposure than the money! I thought so and stopped going. I wonder if X-ray scores are like a quota in the hospital! ? If you refuse an X-ray, the dental hygienist will give you a sad look, so it's hard to say no if you're beautiful (>_

  • HT



    It was my child's first dentist 🦷 Everyone was very kind to me, and my child was able to receive treatment without fear. Thank you very much 😊

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