Kanomata Dental Clinic i Niigata

JapanKanomata Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

8-chōme-1-10 Nakayama, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0861, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-288-5569
internet side: www.kanodent.sakura.ne.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.914292, Longitude: 139.0869804

kommentar 5

  • あお



    Thank you for always helping me with tartar removal. All the teachers were very nice and easy to come to, but today I was very disappointed. I don't want to go anymore. He was a different person today. It was messy and painful, and the finish was different than usual. They laughed when I explained how to take care of my teeth. Everything was unpleasant.

  • t k

    t k


    When removing tartar, the doctor did not suction so much that I thought he was doing it on purpose, and I had to drink a lot of saliva mixed with tartar and blood. The doctor is nice, but the dental hygienist is the lowest level I've ever been to.

  • れえ



    I haven't seen a dentist in several years and I don't know which clinic is best. I was taken care of by a dentist near me. He treated me at the correct number of times without having to visit me multiple times. They also provide thorough explanations before and after treatment. Above all, the teachers and all the staff were very nice, so I'm really glad I chose this school. I am grateful that the treatment was completed successfully. It was a clinic that I would like to visit again.

  • いからしまさよし



    My wife told me that he was a very good dentist, so I started going to him. It is not a treatment that requires multiple visits for one treatment, but it provides accurate treatment. All of my 19 cavities were completely healed within six months. In particular, I had a mold taken of each of my front teeth, resulting in beautiful front teeth. I had the impression that dentists = pain, but this dentist doesn't hurt at all, and you can feel at ease and feel like a carp on the chopping block (lol). There is a space for children to play, the facilities are good, and the assistants seem to be well-trained, so you can feel at ease no matter who is treating you. He is a handsome teacher who looks good in aloha shirts in the summer♪

  • KinKi図書委員



    The teacher is kind and easy to talk to. They will give you a thorough explanation before the treatment, and they will also explain the next treatment when you return home. Of course, they will explain it to you again on the same day. Unlike other dentists, treatment is quick, so I don't have to go to the dentist unnecessarily, and this is the first time I've felt comfortable going to the dentist. It's really helpful because the kids can watch it too.

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