中央公園クリニック i Fuji



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13-15 Heigakihonchō, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0913, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-61-2102
internet side: www.chuokoen-clinic.com
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Latitude: 35.1567505, Longitude: 138.6506784

kommentar 5

  • らずこch



    This is a hospital where you have to please the doctor. I even got yelled at when I asked for some minor advice. Even when my symptoms were severe, I was interrupted and couldn't listen to the end. There were some things that I couldn't write about here. I went home crying a lot. I definitely don't recommend it. It was a hospital that couldn't even be given a star, but the nurses were kind and that was the only saving grace.

  • ありゃりゃ



    He is a healthy person with a high income and a good title. There is a difference between a quick medical examination and a long conversation that fills the waiting room. I am a mentally ill person with depression and panic, but I was mentally defeated. I also wonder what the notebook is all about. I'm not going anymore.

  • 夕月茜(蒼龍紅龍)



    I will never go there again. There are other people who rate her highly, so she may be a teacher who chooses others. It didn't suit me. In my time, The teacher is texting. He doesn't seem to be listening to anyone at all. And it's dark. It has long been said that there is a fine line between psychiatrists and psychopaths. I wonder if the teacher is like that too? Since he doesn't speak, I say a lot of things to him. only. The nurse's attitude is also the worst. It took a long time, but it didn't heal, so I went to another general hospital.When I went to get the documents for procedures such as pension, I was asked to hand in my medical card, and the medical records were written right in front of me. It was torn to shreds and thrown into the trash. You'll never come again, right? They said. Even though the person is suffering from a mental illness, it would be quite damaging to let him get angry and do something like that in front of the person. It's the worst. Even though the patient ticket is one thing, what will you do if you need the medical record again? 😥

  • 鈴木達也



    The waiting time is short, which is good, but the teacher is the worst. He casually tells patients he no longer likes them that they don't have to come back anymore. Not just as a doctor, but as a human being. As a result, my symptoms worsened. It is better not to go even if you are introduced to it.

  • みたらしだんご



    Actually, I don't want to give any stars. I remember that the hospital was clean and the receptionist was very pleasant. There were no other patients, so I was able to see the doctor without having to wait. At that time, I was feeling weak, but at my first appointment, the doctor told me a really harsh joke and I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't believe he was talking to a psychosomatic doctor, and since he was speaking seriously, it was so painful that I cried in the waiting room. It was the first time I cried in the hospital. I went to another hospital and got better, but I still hate going near this hospital.

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