Seirei Fuji Hospital i Fuji

JapanSeirei Fuji Hospital



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3 Chome-1 Minamicho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0026, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 545-52-0780
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.160429, Longitude: 138.687555

kommentar 5

  • まぼちゃん



    Nephrology doctors are the worst, they have a lot of pride and their techniques are the worst. I developed sepsis and was transferred to a hospital in Tokyo. I will never go there again.

  • ryukaksan



    You'll have to wait anyway. Go 15 minutes before your reservation time wait 15 minutes ⇩ Take CT ⇩ wait an hour and a half ⇩ I was asked to undergo a medical examination and take X-rays. ⇩ wait 15 minutes ⇩ X-ray ⇩ Wait an hour and a half ⇩ consultation When the checkout is crowded Until you accept and return It may take about 4 hours. Also, it may depend on the day. Reception begins early. When I went The treatment start time was 9:40am.

  • Hoa Mi

    Hoa Mi


    Doctors are very bad. The person has a big wound and it hurts a lot. However, the doctor did not comfort the patient and yelled at him to "shut up and make a fuss" 😭 I was shocked. doctors are cruel

  • hana hana

    hana hana


    Thank you very much for your continued support. I visited a dermatologist before, and the young male doctor was very pleasant. I haven't had a doctor's appointment since I've changed to my grandfather's doctor now. The doctors and nurses at the internal medicine clinic I am currently attending are very pleasant and will answer any questions I have about them politely, so I always feel at ease when visiting the clinic. Some people have written bad reviews about the reception and accounting staff, but I think they are very good. I guess it varies depending on the day. I've been there many times and everyone looks me in the eye and talks to me with a smile. Other hospitals often don't even do that, and I often feel bad about it, so I always feel comfortable using this hospital. It goes without saying that the waiting time varies depending on the day of the week and time of the visit, the number of departments involved, the details of the treatment, and the details of the prescription, and I think it is on the short side.

  • 小田昌樹



    I developed stable angina pectoris due to arteriosclerosis, and Dr. Togashi performed catheter stent treatment. Although the treatment took a long time, everyone treated me kindly and it ended successfully. We always perform about 5 catheterizations in the afternoon, including tests, so you can visit us with confidence. I was admitted to the ward on the 4th floor, and the nurses were kind to me, and the nursing care for the elderly was excellent. The food is delicious, and I get a warm towel to wipe my face every morning, which makes me feel refreshed and refreshed.

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