Fuji Rehabilitation Clinics i Fujinomiya

JapanFuji Rehabilitation Clinics


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1129番地 Hoshiyama, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0035, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 544-26-8101
internet side: www.fujireha.org
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Latitude: 35.1943708, Longitude: 138.6140277

kommentar 5

  • a nr

    a nr


    When I was admitted to the hospital, I felt that this place was more like a nursing home than a psychiatric ward. The doctor was also elderly, so I sometimes had doubts about their communication. I will never forget the words that some of the young doctors used to make me think of as being from a psychiatric hospital. When I asked if they were considering counseling, they said, ``This is a rural area, so there's no such thing,'' but it was normal. I don't know what other doctors are like.

  • ちり紙太郎



    A friend of mine has been in the hospital for many years. Even if the underlying disease goes into remission, I have been prescribed benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drugs for over 10 years. Even when I consulted about drug reduction, the patient did not understand and told me that it was not the right time to reduce the drug. Prescriptions also do not have a gradual tapering rate. There are a limited number of psychiatrists in the city, and some people are considering seeing a doctor. I think you are there. Educate yourself on medicines, etc., and think about what will happen after you get into remission. I think it would be a good idea to choose a hospital. Compared to other medical departments, I think compatibility with the doctor is important for treatment. We believe that finding a doctor you can feel free to consult with is the shortcut to treatment.

  • 小杉貴紀



    Very nice staff and patients. Both the president and the current teachers. Now that I think about it again, I realize how difficult it is for employees who work night shifts to balance family life. Just meeting, talking, and remembering the staff makes me feel better. I feel motivated. happy. Tears come out. I didn't think so before, but now I feel it. I learned a lot. I don't think there are any nice people like this. Really! ! thank you very much. This is my second time being hospitalized, but I'm glad I was. I can now walk. In the past, I couldn't sit still and could barely move to bed in a wheelchair, so I started by holding onto iron bars. Sorry for the unfortunate story. Let's be bright. Share all your concerns with your doctor. I could have come to the first floor instead of leaving the hospital. I don't know what will happen next. Right now, I am filled with gratitude. After that, my mom and dad were sick. My sister and her husband. My niece and nephew are going to university. I will be able to work hard, etc. My current goal is to continue working as a regular worker. ! ! Anyway, don't rush, take your time, calm down, and cherish each day. ! I think everyone is nice. They're all normal people. I was well educated. There are some bad people who sell stimulants. Now I can watch Dream Comedy over and over again. Song smartphone videos such as. I feel it when I see and hear the comments. I think Blue Hearts songs are also good. I shouldn't get too impressed though. Mariko Nagai is also great! ! ! Chairman Nobutada Takahashi's way of thinking can change your life! The book is also important. I didn't really feel it before. Because I really wanted to die! Thank you to the nutritionists who prepared the meals early in the morning! ! You can make a lot of money just by being alive! ! That's what I tell myself. Anyway, I'm feeling a lot of things!

  • おざる



    Whether it suits you or not depends on the person. This is a big deal in psychiatry. However, the current situation is that there are not many hospitals in this area. I can't accept that the staff are more in trouble than the doctors themselves. It's definitely not suitable for people who make a fuss about everything.

  • みりみりみりん



    When I asked about effective treatments for psychosomatic illnesses, I was told to look for them online. It may be a good hospital for some people, but I feel like I wasted my treatment costs in the garbage. The hospital's rules were not in line with patients' daily lives, and there was a delay in preparing documents. If you are on leave from work or otherwise find it difficult to make ends meet without receiving benefits, I think it would be better to rely on another hospital.

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