JCHO Kyushu Hospital en Kitakyushu

JapónJCHO Kyushu Hospital


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1-chōme-8-1 Kishinoura, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 806-0034, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-641-5111
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8573754, Longitude: 130.7657401

comentarios 5

  • さくさく



    The doctors and nurses were very responsive and I felt confident that I could request surgery. The young woman at the end of the reception desk on the first floor, where it was written that she was hospitalized, had the worst response. The moment I approached you to ask because I didn't understand it for the first time. I was told, "Are you hospitalized today? If not, please go to the reception desk over there." are you my friend? I froze at the harsh use of language. Please study from common sense. It's uncomfortable.

  • --



    I accompanied my father to an ophthalmology clinic last year and an internal medicine clinic this year. It may have been a coincidence, but all the nurses were kind and easy to talk to. The hospital itself is clean and comfortable.

  • M K

    M K


    I visited because my grandfather was hospitalized. I felt that the reception and nurses' responses were quite normal.

  • しづきあやの



    First of all, I don't want to give it even one star. My grandmother's family was hospitalized on the north side of the ward on the 8th floor, but the nurses never greeted them. Other hospitals should normally greet you. He makes comments that make fun of patients, which makes me feel bad, and he's inconsiderate, and I'm worried about having my family hospitalized. I don't think that information sharing between nurses is thorough at all. Of course there are a few good people, but That's why bad people stand out too much. If we don't do something about it, I think it will become a problem since it's a major hospital. Please help us improve it. Absolutely

  • 北九州KOJI



    This is a hospital where you can feel safe. We also have a wide range of testing equipment. I feel like it's a little different from private hospitals that focus on profit.

El hospital más cercano

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