中華料理 東陽閣 w Chiba

Japonia中華料理 東陽閣



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-17-1 Nishitsuga, Wakaba Ward, Chiba, 264-0026, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 43-253-4511
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.637187, Longitude: 140.149511

komentarze 5

  • 安藤慶祐



    I hadn't been there since the store changed, so I decided to give it a try. The store is the same as before and is spacious, making it ideal for groups. I ordered the Hoikoro set meal from the lunch menu. The seasoning is full of chopped garlic, and you can't feel the miso flavor of sweet soy sauce or red miso. Is it arranged for Japanese people? However, the seasoning that goes well with chopsticks...it's delicious on its own. The meat is thin and small, but in this day and age, I don't care. Instead, it's full of vegetables and is very filling! The set meal comes with a large serving of rice for free, and you can also drink coffee and oolong tea self-service. It also comes with egg soup, zha cai, and almond tofu, so you'll be full. So it was 680 yen... great value for money! I plan to come again. PS: The second time I visited the store at night. I wanted to ask if they had a set meal at night, but it seemed like it would be difficult to talk to drunk customers, so I quickly ordered some vegetable knife-shaved noodles...it had a gentle flavor, lots of vegetables, and the noodles were chewy and delicious. ! If I was hungry, I would have ordered something else, but I was full and couldn't. *We had the same set meal as lunch at night. You can also pay with PayPal (it is a payment using the remittance function, so if you need PayPal payment history etc., I think cash is better)

  • 行木幹夫



    Lunch, cost performance is the best 😃 It's suitable for amateurs who have a lot of portions! I left a small child behind, 🙏

  • Kei's World ちゃんねる

    Kei's World ちゃんねる


    This is a shop that was built on the site of a tea house. This restaurant is proud of its sword-shaved noodles and mapo tofu! (It seems that this shop has no relation to "Chaimei") The Mala sword-shaved noodles were authentic Karasibi-style spicy-flavored sword-shaved noodles. Filled with bean sprouts and minced meat, these Chinese-style spicy noodles have a very bold and ``mushy'' feel to them. Mapo sword-shaved noodles are sword-shaved noodles topped with strong-flavored mapo tofu, making for a huge impact. The combination of sword-shaved noodles and mapo tofu is also wonderful. Is beef ramen exactly the taste of China? ! It had an exotic taste that you can't get at Japanese ramen restaurants, and it was full of beef. The regular ramen is also Chinese style ramen, so it has an exotic feel to it. I might have liked the black fried rice quite a bit. ! The jet black fried rice was really delicious! We also have a ``lunch set'' at noon. We also have a full double set menu of ramen and rice. All for 880 yen! (In this era...)

  • 味玉たたし



    I had draft beer and gyoza with the evening drink set. I ate the gyoza with a special garlic sauce. It was delicious. The large serving of garlic fried rice was quite large. It was delicious with lots of garlic.

  • 渡邊篤儀



    Recommended is the ``Men's set meal'', 780 yen. But... It's a pity that the fried chicken has gotten smaller lately 💦 Also, last time the gyoza came out cold, and today the rice was stiff, so I was disappointed twice in a row⤵️ Is this also an effect of the coronavirus pandemic?

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