千葉っ子ダイニング ペコリ w Chiba

Japonia千葉っ子ダイニング ペコリ



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒260-0015 Chiba, Chuo Ward, Fujimi, 2-chōme−9−2 プライム8ビル 8F
kontakt telefon: +81 43-221-2252
strona internetowej: liff.line.me
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6106346, Longitude: 140.1181639

komentarze 5

  • ももたん



    A stylish izakaya with good cost performance that is open until late at night. I came here for the first time in a while, but the appetizer had changed from bacon to salad. I like the dressing quite a bit, and I'm glad that Pecoli allows you to refill the appetizers as much as you like. Four people used it, and their preferences were quite different. Another great feature was that you could change the flavor of the pizza by cutting it in half! If it's your birthday, you can ask for a birthday plate, and you can also receive champagne with your photo on it, so it's perfect for celebrating ♡ I will use it again after work♪♪

  • ザパーソナルジム麻布十番店



    It's quite reasonable Italian food ^ ^! ! And you can eat as much pork as you like. I'm happy! lol All items are very delicious, The price is very reasonable! ! ! There are many types of all-you-can-drink options, I'm very satisfied! However, on weekend nights such as Saturdays and Sundays, It seems to be quite popular, I have the impression that if you don't make a reservation, you won't be able to get in smoothly ^ ^ This is a store that is used by so many people👏👏 It was a store that I would like to go to again.

  • m m

    m m


    A dining bar located a short distance from Chiba Station. You can enjoy reasonably priced and quality food. The customer base is young, and the store is quite lively. It's perfect for a lively drinking party, but may not be suitable for a quiet date. I wrote that the food was of a reasonable quality, but the spare ribs were soft yet filling and very delicious. If you go here, you want to eat there. The problem is that even if you want to place an order, the store clerk is difficult to get hold of. It's a well-organized store with good value for money, so I'd like them to put a little more effort into this.

  • Maclean Schaef

    Maclean Schaef


    This place is awesome. They have great food and good prices. We waited a bit long but it was worth it.

  • S S

    S S


    Not the best experience for my fiancé and I. The restaurant was empty and they made us wait until seated, to decide where they wanted to place us. We were asked numerous questions about how we found the place, where we were from, and it didn't feel right. The all you can drink was terrible, as each time we finished our drinks, no server would attend to us unless we hunted someone down. As a foreigner I didn't feel welcomed at all. The kitchen was screaming and joking, so definitely not a place for older customers or more sophisticated diners. They were quick to remind us we had to leave after the last order. This place would be great for young people in their early to mid twenties. The music is great and the vibe suites a younger crowd. It wasn't all bad, I just have high standards. The people were decent to us, and the manager wasn't terrible, but I had a feeling they were waiting for us to leave. The pizza is very good, the decor is nice and this place could be awesome for some. But I will not go back, as there are many better places that welcome all people in Chiba.

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