Wa Maternity Hospital i Iwata

JapanWa Maternity Hospital



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733-37 Ōkubo, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 538-38-0031
internet side: www.yawaragi-josanin.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7711115, Longitude: 137.8513882

kommentar 5

  • Nana Toyoda

    Nana Toyoda


    The other day, I visited my doctor for mastitis. Since I called for the first time in the evening, I thought they would respond the next day, but they said they would come right away. Even though I did not give birth at this midwifery clinic and it was my first time seeing her, she came in without making a disgusted face even though it was 7pm, and performed the procedure very carefully. Although he was covered in lumps, he recovered with a massage. She advised me that I could breastfeed, which was really helpful. I would like to ask if I get mastitis again.

  • 優梨香中野



    She helped me when I had mastitis with my first child and when I gave birth to my second child. It's an important place where you can talk about anything. They were very supportive even after giving birth! It is a place where I think that if there were more places like this, it would be an environment where it would be easier to raise children.

  • 和nagomi



    It's a beautiful and bright facility 🤗 Thank you for all your help with breast milk care. They are very kind and polite. The other day, I couldn't get rid of the lump and the pain continued, so I went to a different midwifery clinic for care, but it didn't heal at all... The next day, I went here and the lump was removed beautifully, and I was given detailed instructions on how to take preventive care. Anyone can easily participate in childcare consultation, which is very helpful. I was happy to hear from you personally 😊

  • ななし



    I developed mastitis at the end of the year, and since they were open for emergencies, I asked if they would be able to examine me, but I was immediately turned down. I can't see you if you have a fever! he said coldly. I don't know who answered the phone, but I was told that I was in a bad mood. If you can't get it checked out, it's fine if you can't get it checked out, but I don't know why you got angry.

  • Yamashita Tokizo

    Yamashita Tokizo


    It's clean and bright, and the parking lot is large and easy to get into.

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