昭和カフェ en Ashikaga




🕗 horarios

546-1 Egawachō, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0067, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 284-44-1928
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3601019, Longitude: 139.4651211

comentarios 5

  • 志水照久(おあしすオーナーのTERRY)



    Showa cafe in Ashikaga! Narrow Porsche stands out I guess it's from around 1955. There is a cafe in the museum. I also use a tube amp for audio. The trumpet-shaped audio system in the back also seems to work. Relax with a cake set

  • windjacker



    It's located in Egawa-cho, Ashikaga City, on my personal route to school when I was in elementary school. I heard that the Showa Retro Cafe and the distinctive modern building next door are the residences of the owners. Classic BGM with vacuum tube amplifier. There are a lot of old clocks, and before I entered kindergarten, a broken wind-up clock was the only toy I had, so it brings back memories of those days. There is no lunch menu, and business hours are short, but it's a nice place to come and relax once in a while.

  • マリー



    a very elegant relaxing cafe..I love the vintage look so classy and nostalgic..customer friendly..

  • ぶくん東京ぶた



    Wonderful charismatic laid back cafe with vintage theme. Absolutely lovely and extremely friendly. Recommended.

  • Geek Ashikaga

    Geek Ashikaga


    The retro feel inside the store is like a scene from a movie🎬, and it's on the level of a cultural property. What's more, it seems that the phone in the photo is actually being used ((= ̄□ ̄=;)) Na, Nant!! The atmosphere is laid back and very comfortable! There doesn't seem to be any food available, so why not relax with a light tea or something?

Cafetería más cercano

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