Italian Tomato cafe junior tsunomiya bell mall en Utsunomiya

JapónItalian Tomato cafe junior tsunomiya bell mall



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Japan, 〒321-0904 Tochigi, Utsunomiya, Yōtō, 6-chōme−2−1 ベルモール1F
contactos teléfono: +81 28-689-7411
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5553521, Longitude: 139.9288493

comentarios 5

  • もちぷよ



    Arrived just after 11am on a Sunday. More than half of the seats were empty so I was able to choose a seat. After paying at the register, you receive your drink and cutlery on the spot, and the food is brought to your seat. Cold drinks, towels, children's tableware, etc. are located next to the cash register and are self-service. The cold drink had a faint lemon flavor. The amount of pasta is just right for my elementary school daughter, and my high school daughter is full and satisfied with the pasta and pancakes😁✨ I was happy that it was delicious 🙆

  • Shun Taniguchi

    Shun Taniguchi


    I ordered the new mushroom cream pasta, but the pasta was so exposed that I couldn't tell if it was covered in cream sauce or not. I asked if there was too much sauce, but they told me that they made it exactly according to the measurements, so if it didn't taste good, I was told to sprinkle some salt on it. Since it's a chain store, I expected a certain level of quality, but I was greatly disappointed.

  • Piaget



    Fully booked at lunchtime even on weekdays 🈵 There was more pasta than I expected🍝 I guess I was a little curious about the staff's chatter (^_^;)

  • kyon kyon

    kyon kyon


    It has the impression of being a simple cafe-style restaurant and a relaxing place in Bell Mall. The menu includes a relatively large selection of sweets, mainly pasta, but also Italian dishes such as pizza and doria. This time, I ordered the "Seasonal Cold Natural Red Shrimp Tomato Pasta" with a salad and drink set. The seasonal tomato and lemon flavors combine with the chewy thin noodles for a refreshing and delicious dish. Overall, the food is delicious, but since the restaurant's system is self-service, it seems to be limited to casual use rather than a leisurely meal!

  • 気ままなぶらり



    2023/5/21 (Sunday) Visited the store for the first time in a while. The previous lunch A set and B set are gone! ️ The pasta 🍝 lunch was one type and the cake 🍰 was 100 yen off.

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