Cafe Aragin en Ashikaga

JapónCafe Aragin



🕗 horarios

847-12 Asahichō, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0802, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 90-7009-0188
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3406791, Longitude: 139.4564179

comentarios 5

  • zh be

    zh be


    I've finally been able to come here since I was a teenager. I had forgotten the name of the store (stupid! me!) and couldn't find it, so I recently found a picture on SNS and cried with joy. My teenage self drank nervously among the adults. After taking a sip and blinking once, I felt as if I had put on a wide-angle lens and it suddenly opened. Maybe it's something called ``the world has opened up'' in spiritual theory. I felt the same way today. That's right, when life is stagnant, come here for a cup of coffee. When you drink this, it has a taste that makes you feel ``open.'' In short, it's delicious. Not only does it put you in a good mood, but it's also delicious. Also, I'm happy that it's served at the perfect temperature even though I just want it down my throat! What luxury! There is no soundproof wall around it. There are some houses nearby. I think it's a good idea to keep the etiquette in mind when visiting.

  • Edmund Del Rosario

    Edmund Del Rosario


    Looking forward to sit down,and have a cup of coffee..😍

  • Enkhgerel Nyamdavaa

    Enkhgerel Nyamdavaa


    very good coffee, best for on the way short stop and take a break from work hustle

  • Emilia Murakami

    Emilia Murakami


    It's nice for late evening coffee nice Ashikaga city guide.

  • ヒロミ



    with all my love

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