札幌弥助 海浜幕張店 i Chiba

Japan札幌弥助 海浜幕張店



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒261-0021 Chiba, Mihama Ward, Hibino, 1-chōme−14 auneMAKUHARI 3F
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5484-4638
internet side: sen-kaihinmakuhari.gorp.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.648387, Longitude: 140.0427939

kommentar 5

  • c s

    c s


    I went to have soup curry for lunch. I was a little disappointed because it looked different from the soup curry shop, and it didn't feel like it had a lot of vegetables in it. However, the taste is delicious and there is a large selection of items, so I think the cost performance is good for a soup curry. Also, the seats are private so it feels rich 👍 There seems to be no toppings for the ingredients.

  • 임효석



    This restaurant specializes in Hokkaido food, and the interior is luxurious and the rooms are private. Both the sashimi and karaage desserts are delicious. I was given draft beer in a frozen ceramic cup, and the coolness was the best. I recommend it

  • red-doragon



    I thought it was just an izakaya, but when I entered the entrance, I was surprised.The interior was clean and had a nice atmosphere. It's a completely private room, so you don't have to worry about people around you even if you bring your kids with you. Yakitori, fish, everything was delicious.

  • 007 shaken not stirred

    007 shaken not stirred


    The store was very clean and the staff were polite and helpful. The unit price of the food is a little high, but I think the quality and quantity are acceptable. Personally, I thought it would be nice to have a few more light menu items to take a break from eating. Although the official website states that the restaurant is open from lunch onwards, please note that in reality there is a lunch break in between.

  • Jonathan Chow

    Jonathan Chow


    Nice place.

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