Anry et Cheru i Chiba

JapanAnry et Cheru



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒261-0012 Chiba, Mihama Ward, Isobe, 4-chōme−2−2 アンリエチェリー
kontakter telefon: +81 43-239-6886
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6302402, Longitude: 140.0610476

kommentar 5

  • 大川芳子



    I went there for lunch with a friend. Stylish appearance! I was able to eat slowly. The weekday lunch set is a great deal. I ordered a pasta set. Comes with salad and drink, 980 yen, good value for money👌 It was delicious ^ - ^ Recommended! Beyond that is the Mariina Strasse store.

  • あんざいミーコ



    delicious. cheap. The inside of the store is small and has a nice atmosphere. A large amount of spaghetti. Unfortunately, the parking lot is small and difficult to enter. Terrace seats available.

  • ken f.

    ken f.


    It's a place where you can enjoy a relaxing lunch time in a nice space. A shop located in a residential area. It's a street store. There is only a few parking spaces available. The exterior of the store, the interior, accessories, tableware, etc. It's quite the atmosphere. There is no doubt that it feels good. You can enjoy lunch in a nice space. The pasta and pizza are both average and delicious. It doesn't feel outstanding. The restaurant is open, so you can enjoy an after-meal drink while looking out at the outside. The conversation is lively. Lunch time is a chatting area for mostly female mom friends. Cost performance and repeat rate are average.

  • 永山梅太郎(Umetaro800)



    Pizza and pasta are certainly delicious. As others have written, the staff's response was a little strange. However, I feel that it is not a complaint level and is not refined.




    This time it's pasta lunch♪ Appetizer, soup, pasta, and soft drink. You can choose appetizers and pasta. I ordered cream pasta with tuna and mushrooms, and the cream wasn't too strong and it was a very delicious cream pasta. Jazz music was playing quietly in the restaurant, and the breeze was pleasant, making for a pleasant lunch time. There is also a pizza lunch. There are only 2 parking spaces available. If the slot is occupied, ask the staff member what to do and they will tell you what to do.

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