Zao Kokusai Hotel Yamagata w Yamagata

JaponiaZao Kokusai Hotel Yamagata



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933 Zaōonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 23-694-2111
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Latitude: 38.1626637, Longitude: 140.3971403

komentarze 5

  • Hong Chan

    Hong Chan


    Excellent view of room, great location and service. Especially giving a praise to a young worker Mr. Takahashi, very energetic and great Omatenashi!

  • Connie Ip

    Connie Ip


    The location is great, next to the chair lifts and cable car. We stayed in the newly renovated rooms, it was very spacious and very modern. The onsen was exceptional, very traditional yet clean. The amenities in the rooms and in the Onsen were well stocked. We enjoyed the private Onsen experience and extra point for rental and locker area located inside the hotel. Although the staff spoke very limited English but they did their best to help and using google translate to ensure we understand. Highly recommend this hotel if you are visiting Zao. We stayed 4 nights.

  • Tina



    We had a pleasant stay at hotel Kokusai Zao. The location is right next to Zao rope way and not far from Zao bus terminal. Our breakfast and dinner was so good. The staffs were so helpful, we really appreciated their service. Our private bath onzen was the highlight of the day after coming down from the mountain. Thank you for a pleasant service during our stay.

  • Angad Malhotra

    Angad Malhotra


    Not sure about this place. It has a semi-nice onsen open all hours, but the big open onsen up the mountain is much better. The place feels so outdated, it feels like you have stepped back to the '70's or '80's. Everything is so old fashioned I first thought of it is as a retirement village. But after the second night i did appreciate the calmness and easy access to the onsen. Still, i won't return. The bus drivers were super nice, especially the one who helped us Saturday, and other staff nice, but otherwise the building is all just so outdated. For the price, it is just not worth it. Nice experience, but won't return any year soon.

  • Gilles



    Absolutely wonderful experience ! We had the half pension so evening meals and breakfast included. The morning buffet is very well garnished with japanese/english/continental breakfast options. The evening meals are a show all to themselves. When you arrive at the pre-arranged time a feast is already waiting for you on the table. Appetizers, entrees, a soup and a main dish (we had sukiyaki one night and shabu-shabu the other). There's also deserts. The hit springs are also very nice, very traditional looking (the whole baths area is made of wood). The inside baths are regular hot water and the outside pools are filled with natural sulfur water. The smell takes a bit to get used to but they are supposed to be very beneficial for your health. The staff is extremely obliging as is expected in most places in Japan. The hotel is a short 10 minutes walk form the bus station (although there is a sharp climb at the end to reach the hotel). It is possible to book a shuttle to and from the hotel in advance. Zao village itself is a bit deserted in summer as it is the low season, but you won't have trouble finding a place to eat. There are several hiking trails within reach. Overall absolutely recommended, for a minimum of 2 nights to get the whole ryokan experience.

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