Ōmiya Ryokan w 山形市

JaponiaŌmiya Ryokan


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒990-2301 山形県山形市蔵王温泉46
kontakt telefon: +81 23-694-2112
strona internetowej: www.oomiyaryokan.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.1686014, Longitude: 140.3976621

komentarze 5

  • Greg Elfer

    Greg Elfer


    Amazing hotel and we feel like we had a true Japanese experience. The onsens are amazing and our room was beautiful! Will stay here again!

  • Kevin Cheung

    Kevin Cheung


    Topic: Serving USED First Aid tape 🩹 in our salad, ridiculous!!! This is my worst Japanese hotel experience. I travel a lot, from budgeted to luxury, I couldn’t find anywhere worst than this. 1. Staff, few staff (female) are very welcoming and helpful; the rest of majority (those male) are NOT. I asked for support, the most I received is “NO” & “I don’t know”. This is nothing about language, just I couldn’t feel their empathy and willingness to offer help during our 3-day stay. 2. Hygiene, the salad they served in dinner has a USED Medical Tape in it? This is ridiculous and they did upset our whole group of people for their arrangement. I am happy with most of things in Japan, but NOT this hotel. If any of my friends seek for hotel advice, I WON’T recommend here. If any of my friends ask anywhere NOT to go in Japan, I will definitely say Omiya Ryokan. Terrible!!!

  • Mel



    Can’t wait to go back. As a tourist, going to an Ryokan was an amazing experience. It was what I was looking when I think of traditional Japan. They provide traditional robes that are encouraged to wear at dinner and breakfast. The meals were astonishing and plentiful. Harada provided excellent service and really made a fun and positive impact in my stay. Keep in mind the hotel bath is a Ryokan style. We were not fully aware of what that meant but was an interesting concept that I’m glad I got to try.

  • Lawrence Chen

    Lawrence Chen


    Interior design if very Japanese traditional and morden, clean. Onsen is good. Dinner and service is great. A recommended hotel is coming to Zao for ski and onsen. Only down side is there is no elevator and large luggage is difficult to move up/down the stairs.

  • Stefan Kunz

    Stefan Kunz


    The rooms are big. There is no elevator -> pack lightly is recommended. The left side bath is small. The outside is packed with 3 people. The right side bath is good and has 2 inner and one outside bath. The location is good and well accessible by car. With public transport it‘s only a short stroll away from the busstop. Food is very good and reflects the fact that you are in the mountains. All in all a good choice!

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