讃岐製麺 豊中夕日丘 en Toyonaka

Japón讃岐製麺 豊中夕日丘



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-2-17 Yūhigaoka, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0864, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6850-3961
sitio web: www.meshiya.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7844601, Longitude: 135.4776685

comentarios 5

  • 礼二金川



    Sanuki can be found anywhere in the country. Cheap to visit during Obon holiday in 2020. The strongest co-spa. Chilled udon and chicken tempura for 630 yen. I truly feel that Japan is the country with the most food in the world.

  • 大阪のおいちゃん



    Additional post (2024.8.11) Lunch on the day of the Paris Olympics women's marathon Major league broadcasts, high school baseball, the Olympics, The days when there are many things to see and long holidays overlap, Even though it's extremely hot, I have to go outside once in a while. Noodles are the best choice for lunch at such times. This is the first time I've been here in 2 years. A part of a residential area where there are many family guests with children. The small line quickly disappeared. After all, udon noodles are fast food, so they rotate quickly. This is what I ordered. Sudachi grated meat bukkake (cold): 748 yen In the second half of the self lane, I gave in to temptation at the tempura corner and scored 2 points. Chicken tempura: 187 yen Squid tempura: 165 yen At the condiment corner, add some green onions, ginger, and tenkasu to complete the dish. The amount of noodles in a regular serving is quite small compared to other restaurants. I wonder if this could have been a big deal? The thick noodles have a slightly chewy texture and the smooth texture goes down easily. The volume of sweet meat was also a bit unsatisfying. If you combine the large chicken tempura and squid tempura, it will be about 8 minutes full. It turned out to be a lunch that was not cost-effective. Payment is easy with PayPay. Thank you for the meal. First post (2022) The closest udon restaurant to my home, Mid-afternoon Meat Udon ☆ I've never been to this udon restaurant even though it's so close. It's Saturday afternoon, and I'm feeling extremely hungry. Dinner on days off is usually around 7pm. But I can't wait until then. However, if you eat a solid meal, dinner will not go well. That's right! At times like this, it's a bowl of udon. He arrived with a bang, driving his favorite car, Choro-Q. Even during these hours, the parking lot is only at about half occupancy. It seems like the number of customers is good. As a self-service restaurant, a menu board is posted on the kitchen wall. After a quick look, I made a decision. ■Meat udon (average): 572 yen ・Pour hot water from the pot into the bowl and warm the bowl. ・Soak the boiled noodles in hot water and add them to the bowl. ・Put it on the tray ・Slide the tray and go to checkout ・Quick PayPay payment ・Move to the condiments corner and add green onions, tenkasu, and ginger. ・Pour hot soup stock with the soup stock server The slightly thick noodles that I like are not supple. I guess that can't be helped either. To quickly heat boiled noodles in hot water and serve. Smooth texture and weak sensation down the throat. It's not the strong chewy noodles that I love. I can't help but compare it to Kame Seimen, which is taking the self-service udon market by storm. It might have been different if I had the cold udon noodles in a colander or bukkake. Let's verify that next time. Thank you for the meal.

  • ちーちゃん



    An udon restaurant that I sometimes go to in between work. I often order kake udon, but the noodles are almost chewy and always tend to stretch. Simply put, it's gentle on the stomach. So, I often eat kake udon here when I have a hangover. The good thing is that they always have plenty of tempura and green onions available☺️

  • center_axis



    Udon is really delicious. It's chewy and smooth. The flavor of the soup stock works well and it's the best. Another good point is that there is a wide variety of menu items. There are also tempura, rice balls, and inari sushi, which the children will be very happy with. Even children who get bored with just udon can fill up on side dishes. The customer service is also great. The staff greeted me cheerfully and came to take my order smoothly. Even when they bring the food to me, they greet me with a smile and are polite, which makes me feel good. The taste of the udon, the richness of the menu, and the quality of customer service are all outstanding. This restaurant is recommended not only for families with children but also for everyone. I would definitely like to try the curry udon next time.

  • Tetsuro Sasada

    Tetsuro Sasada


    November 10, 2020, solo visit before noon It's nice that there's a transparent partition between the people sitting at the long table, but it looks like the partition hasn't been wiped down for days! Wipe down when opening the store! Perhaps the kitchen is surprisingly filthy.

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