Mister Donut en Toyonaka

JapónMister Donut



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-1-1 Honmachi, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-4865-3288
sitio web: www.misterdonut.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.787174, Longitude: 135.461694

comentarios 5

  • 7 3

    7 3


    The location is very nice. I also think that if the sales staff were more efficient, we would be able to sell more.

  • 野田悟



    If you go early in the morning, they won't have all the items. Since it is in front of the station, I would like to line up a little earlier.

  • ぶぅちゃん*



    I use it because there are no other places where I can get breakfast. Staff is at the lowest level ever Uses rough and blunt language Not able to clean The donut display is amazing

  • kaoruko maeda

    kaoruko maeda


    It's right next to the ticket gate. It sells well and there may be a line in the evening.

  • タロー企画



    The location is great, right in front of the ticket gate!

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