Starbucks Coffee - Toyonaka Ryokuchi Park en Toyonaka

JapónStarbucks Coffee - Toyonaka Ryokuchi Park



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12-38 Higashiterauchichō, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0871, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6310-7668
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7755322, Longitude: 135.4958195

comentarios 5

  • wrai ther (wraither)

    wrai ther (wraither)


    A fairly spacious Starbucks with a high ceiling and many seats. There are also seats outside the building if you want some fresh air instead. Also, there is a drive in corner for the cars and a parking space too. It is quite lovely on peak hours and mellows on the evening. Menu options and taste is pretty much consistent with other Starbucks stores.

  • Nobu Daigo

    Nobu Daigo


    Used on Sunday lunch. There is a queue at the drive thru. The restaurant was busy, but there were a few empty seats. There is a power source on a large table, and many people use it while charging their PCs and smartphones. Spacious and bright atmosphere.

  • まりちmarichi



    There is a drive-thru and a parking lot. There is a parking lot, so it is convenient if you go by car. The inside of the store is stylish and popular, so it's always crowded. It's cold now, but there are terrace seats available.

  • S. R.

    S. R.


    Your normal Starbucks place. Would be nice if outside tables could be also have some protection from the wind, which is strong in Osaka

  • Steph Doran

    Steph Doran


    The staff here were especially friendly and accommodating, even when I asked for an abnormal order. And they had oat, almond and soy milks! Nice atmosphere too, with a cute terrace.

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