御幸 in Takehara




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5-chōme-9-1 Chūō, Takehara, Hiroshima 725-0026, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 846-22-4430
webseite: okonomiyaki-miyuki.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.340907, Longitude: 132.9045265

kommentare 5

  • 西林増幸



    They asked us to order before the restaurant opened, and after we were seated, it was served a little later. The iron plate on the desk in the tatami room has been well maintained and has a silver color! I was surprised! Miyukiyaki is also delicious and surprising in taste! Takehara-yaki has a strong taste of sake lees and is delicious!

  • tom jun

    tom jun


    The shop owner and staff were all kind and had great smiles. Each table has a griddle, so you can eat piping hot. I ordered Miyuki's Hiroshima style. I heard that the iron plate was heated to 300 degrees Celsius, but it certainly felt like it baked quickly. The cabbage is thinly sliced ​​and thoroughly steamed, but it doesn't feel like bechar, it has a fluffy texture and is delicious. There seems to be a slight amount of pickled ginger in the dough, so it has a slight taste and is refreshing. When the owner recommended, ``Today is the last oyster of the season, how do you like it?'' I couldn't help but say ``Thank you,'' and this was the correct answer. The surface is baked with soy sauce and has a crispy texture, but the inside is crispy and cooked. Perhaps because I ordered it later, I added the toppings on top of my choice, but I could feel the deliciousness of the oysters directly, and as I chewed them, they mixed with the flavors of my choice, making them even more delicious lol Someone said that it was similar to Teppanyaki, but the shrimp and squid were really well-cooked on the outside and crispy on the inside, making each ingredient really stand out and was delicious! On my way home, the owner came around from the kitchen and handed me a pamphlet saying, ``We also sell frozen food online, so come check it out!'' Although I thought he was a good businessman, he went out of his way to come out to the exit, and the taste and customer service was top class these days. It was out of stock, but is sardine tempura becoming more popular these days? The owner explained it to me, but it was my first time trying it, so I'd like to try it next time.

  • Karl Chong

    Karl Chong


    Best okonomiyaki I have ever had in my life. There was limited parking outside and at 12:33 on a Sunday in April there was a very short wait. We were blown away by the pricing and how delicious the food was. The oysters were expertly cooked and they were the best oysters I have had in a long time. I preferred the original okonomiyaki vs the okonomiyaki with the lot. Well worth travelling to.

  • Lu Cedric

    Lu Cedric


    Very delicious. A little expensive, but volume is big.

  • Andrea Doimo

    Andrea Doimo


    Very good okonomiyaki, and quite cheap too.

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