KOːHIːKAN Higashihiroshima in Higashihiroshima

JapanKOːHIːKAN Higashihiroshima



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5486-1 Saijōchō Misonou, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0024, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-431-3777
webseite: c-united.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.4123949, Longitude: 132.7502938

kommentare 5

  • Atsushi Fujita

    Atsushi Fujita


    There were many Starbucks, so I used this one. It's a place where adults like coffee. The inside of the store was calm and spacious. It was around 8pm on January 2nd, so there weren't that many people there. The staff were well trained and I had a pleasant time there. There is a place inside the store where you can enjoy coffee while smoking, so I think it's a great place for smokers. I ordered coffee and pancakes Ogura. It wasn't too sweet and had a mature taste. Also, the maple syrup is way too much. It's too delicious. Syrup is sold in front of the cash register, so if you are interested, please buy it. The store is open until late and has plenty of parking, making it easy to use. If you don't like Starbucks, we recommend Coffeekan.

  • Aha! English School 東広島市

    Aha! English School 東広島市


    Kohikan is a coffee shop pioneer in Saijo. Its spacious interior is very welcoming if you need alone time with your book or notebook (power outlets available), or if you wish to go on a quiet coffee date or hang out with friends. It has renovated its seating through the years but its bright high ceiling, soft music, and friendly staff remain the same.

  • Baraa Alhakim

    Baraa Alhakim


    Excellent cafe. They have public WiFi, but you must ask for the password, so here you go: COFFEE1970

  • Florence Chew

    Florence Chew


    Lovely coffee and ice cream

  • Nathan Crookes

    Nathan Crookes


    Good service and nice sandwiches!

nächste Cafe

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