Mielparque Hiroshima in Hiroshima

JapanMielparque Hiroshima


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6-36 Motomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0011, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-222-8501
webseite: www.mielparque.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3960895, Longitude: 132.4557921

kommentare 5

  • Kwong



    The room smelled bad. Ventilation was very poor so I have to open windows. I feel lucky that arrive Hiroshima in winter / spring. Otherwise, I will be melted. If you need a place to take rest after one day tour, this hotel is not recommended.

  • Liina K

    Liina K


    Currently staying - there is no air conditioning in the rooms which prompts me to give this location 1* review. It is far too warm to sleep or be in the room. There's no airflow whatsoever. We did ask for a fan for the room, but apparently those are all dished out already. Room and hotel would be great if I wasn't melting like sugar.

  • Dr. Sudipto Modak

    Dr. Sudipto Modak


    Very conveniently located Hotel at the heart of Hiroshima only a few blocks from the Atomic Bomb Dome and Peace Memorial Park. There are shopping mall,restaurants nearby. Breakfast is also good

  • Jessica Sayers

    Jessica Sayers


    Good location, clean room, but I was wide awake at 5:30 because the room window faces East and they do not use any kind of Black-out curtains (will attach photo as a reference) I also couldn't sleep with more than a sheet because the AC doesn't run well. I had to put a towel under the door to the hallway to try to contain any cool air we got.

  • Christopher Hethrington

    Christopher Hethrington


    Good location without doubt but the quality of the rooms was significantly subpar. The rooms are dirty, stained carpets, gum, the tub had grime on it. The beds are small and uncomfortable with the old springs felt through the thin pad. The bed cover was torn in a number of places. Very poor standard overall and price varies significantly for the same room depending on how you book it.

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