越後へぎそば処 粋や w Niigata

Japonia越後へぎそば処 粋や



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Japan, 〒950-0973 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Kamiōmi, 4-chōme−12−20 デッキー401 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 25-282-7288
strona internetowej: www.ikiya2013.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8984974, Longitude: 139.0300011

komentarze 5

  • Hiroshi Shimatani

    Hiroshi Shimatani


    This store is located in a corner of Aji no Komichi on the first floor of the complex. Since it was my first time, I looked for a store. When I ordered Hegi Soba and Sauce Katsudon, I was told that it would be more economical to order the soba set in two large servings. thank you. I think it's on the thin side for Hegisoba, but the flavor is strong, and the soba soup with the added flavor of the soba noodles coats it well, making it delicious♪ You don't need green onion or wasabi as a condiment. The sauce katsudon is also simply delicious. The small dishes, pickles, miso soup, soba tea, and soba soup are all made with great care, giving you a very pleasant after-meal feeling♪ If I have a chance to visit again, I would like to try the curry, tempura, and tamagoyaki. It was delicious~♫

  • Hiro M

    Hiro M


    It's inside a large shopping mall, so I got lost until I found it. The staff's customer service is good and the food is delicious. There seem to be many celebrities.

  • ころ



    We had our last meal here on our trip to Niigata. Before my trip, I searched and researched a lot of soba restaurants, asking, ``Which soba restaurant should I eat at?'' and this was the correct answer. It was so delicious! The noodles are chewy and just the right hardness! And the tempura was the best. Is it because it's rice flour? It was so delicious that I wanted to eat it every day. To be honest, I didn't have high expectations for food restaurants located in commercial facilities, but that prejudice was overturned. I just found a delicious soba restaurant in Tokyo, but this one might be a little disappointing... I would like to open a store in Tokyo.

  • ちゃんおば*



    Home-grown soba and seaweed in Saruhachi, Sado Smooth and Koshinoaru soba made with Funoori seaweed. delicious. They are very particular about the temperature of their soba soup, which is kept at 15 degrees in winter and 10 degrees in other seasons. The temperature of the soba soup is set to match the temperature of the soba noodles, and this attention to temperature also contributes to the deliciousness of the soba noodles. This is a special menu unlike the usual Golden Week menu. Spring tempura is full of wild vegetable tempura! It’s so good~♪ It’s a must-eat this time of year! Is it butterbur, kogomi, udon, root-curved bamboo? Maybe udon kakiage? will be attached. Eat with salt from Sasagawa Nagare. Hegi soba is thin, chewy and delicious. I ate it all so smoothly that I realized I should have ordered a larger portion. This is another popular restaurant that fills up as soon as it opens. We are also particular about the materials. Of course domestically produced. Mainly produced within the prefecture is used. Handmade in the store every day! You can eat freshly made food. If you don't go in when the store opens, you'll have to wait about an hour before you can eat. I had bad timing.

  • あまがみ



    I had Tenhegi soba and Ikiya curry. To be honest, my tongue cannot distinguish between the flavors of soba restaurants above a certain level. All I can say is that it was delicious. I can kind of tell the difference between the soba soup. I feel that the soba soup at this restaurant is made with dashi stock. It was actually delicious. The curry was...salty. The vegetables on top of the rice were delicious though. It said it was number 1 on the secret menu, but I don't think anyone would repeat it. Since it says 1st place, isn't everyone just ordering it? Next time I go, I'll try the tempura soba.

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