Kanamiya Meike Kamiyama w Niigata

JaponiaKanamiya Meike Kamiyama



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2-chōme-17-15 Meikekamiyama, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0945, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-288-5670
strona internetowej: niigata-kanamiya.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8913526, Longitude: 139.0307412

komentarze 5

  • TANABE Yoshiharu

    TANABE Yoshiharu


    I had the Sichuan Dandan noodles with miso flavor. Compared to the last time I had mapo noodles, I thought the spiciness was milder and the ramen was easier to eat and more delicious. I used to think the prices were higher than other stores, but since the prices around me have increased, I think it's a fair price.

  • 伊井啓司



    There was rooibos tea (sweet tea) on the table instead of water, and suddenly it looked like it was good for the body. I asked for Sichuan Dandan noodles soy sauce-based medium spicy. It has just the right amount of spiciness and umami, which I like. Gyoza and fried rice are also delicious. The staff were also very prompt and pleasant. Next time, I would like to try the miso base. We had delicious. Thank you for the meal. There was Mitsuru Yamawaki's autograph.

  • Satoru Yokozawa

    Satoru Yokozawa


    When I came here for the first time in a while, ordering had changed to a touch panel. This makes it easier to customize the spiciness and increase the amount. This is a great system for me, as I tend to get nervous when telling the staff what I want to do. Are sales increasing? I ordered mapo rice with a spicy arrangement. The numbness is not bad. Sansho is amazing. My stomach and intestines were activated and I felt more energetic. --The following is the past-- This is a store I always stop by when I come to Niigata and have time. The soupless mapo noodles here are absolutely delicious. Mapo with pepper is so delicious that it's a waste to dilute it with soup. For Sichuan Dandan noodles, 2 spiciness is just the right amount of spiciness for me. The sensation of the mildly spicy taste irritating the mucous membranes is irresistible. When I came here for the first time in a while, half mapo rice and Chinese rice had been added to the menu. I like this. First visit in 2021. Various new menu items have been added, including Sichuan mapo dandan noodles without soup. Sichuan mapo dandan noodles without soup are seasoned with pepper. A masterpiece where you can enjoy the trinity of spicy chili peppers and mellow shivama. Capsaicin irritates the stomach wall and causes sweat to form on the forehead. Not enough spice. I'm looking forward to going again. Revisited in April 2022. I realized that fried rice is secretly delicious.

  • InrI InrI

    InrI InrI


    Gomoku Umani Ramen may not be the mainstay at Kanamiya, but it's actually quite delicious. Personally, I think it's even better than that group famous for their gomoku umanimen. I ate that umani yesterday at the Matsuzaki store, but today I had it here. In comparison, the bean paste at the Meike store is thicker. The flavor of the fat was fragrant from the Matsuzaki store. Well, there wasn't much of a difference, and both were delicious, but it's also fun to eat the same menu at affiliated restaurants and try to find something different. ↑Added in May 2023↑ This time, we're talking about "Tandan Tsukemen" which is flat noodles. The soup was delicious, but the noodles were a little crumbly, which I didn't like. disappointing. The half black fried rice is fluffy. It doesn't have a chewy texture, but it's still delicious. ↑Added in March 2023↑ I tried the ``Spicy Hormone Dandanmen'' that is only available at the Meike store. I came here with the intention of eating normal Dandan noodles, but I was disappointed in the limited number of 10 meals a day. It had more hormones in it than it looked. I ordered it spicy, but the spiciness was just right. It was more delicious than I expected, but I was satisfied once I tried it. Next time I'll have normal Dandan noodles. ↑Added in January 2023↑ I tried Mazesoba and Yakisoba, but I think I prefer Dandan noodles, Mapo noodles, or Mapo Dandan noodles here. delicious. There are so many different kinds that I've eaten them many times in a row and never get tired of them. ↑Added in November 2022↑ This time we have a lunch set of Sichuan Dandan noodles with soy sauce base. Rich ramen goes well with rice. It also comes with fried chicken and is quite filling. Both are delicious, so I always have to decide whether to go with Dandan noodles or Mapo Dandan noodles. ↑Added in November 2018↑ The ultimate! I had the Sichuan mapo dan dan noodles. It was just as delicious as the Koshinten. It's not that spicy, so the "super spicy" topping may be a must for those who like spiciness. (May 2017)

  • 秋田家



    A highball usually costs 480 yen, Get another highball for +120 yen. Also comes with spring rolls and fried chicken (2 pieces). 【order】 ultimate! Sichuan mapo dandan noodles [980] →A cup where you can enjoy dan and mapo at the same time You can choose from three levels of spiciness. Ask for a separate serving of spiciness, The taste changes little by little as the rice is added. Recommended. It goes well with rice too. The best! Sichuan Dandan noodles (miso base) [960] → Rich sesame flavor and good spice aroma. Authentic Dandan noodles. (Maybe high cost) We recommend the thick noodles with a miso base. The richness of sesame and miso go well together. Optimal drink set [600] →As mentioned above

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