Yuai Memorial Hospital w Koga

JaponiaYuai Memorial Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

707 Higashiushigaya, Koga, Ibaraki 306-0232, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 280-97-3000
strona internetowej: www.yuai-hosp-jp.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.2078709, Longitude: 139.7450563

komentarze 5

  • K-おおぬき



    I attend the hospital for cardiology, urology, and ophthalmology. There are many good teachers in the above three departments. Previously, two young female ophthalmologists from Showa University came to see me, and I was very grateful to them for being so kind to me. There are two female doctors, Dr. Adachi and Dr. Katsura. I have been hospitalized once, and the nurses on the ward were very kind. However, it is also true that some of the gastroenterology and general internal medicine doctors were heartless and hard to believe that they were doctors. However, this is a hospital that I trust. I think any hospital or clinic has its good and bad points, so is it suitable for you or not? I think so.

  • hito



    I don't want to give even 1 star I completely rejected the idea of ​​the doctor who gave me the referral, and the result was based on my own judgment. My symptoms are getting worse and I'm dizzy during the examination, but I don't even get examined. "It's more like the previous CT." More than that? Made worse by a mistake in judgment In front of the person who is wandering around I simply explained, "What should I do? When should I cut it?" She says she can't make a decision without consulting with her family, but she asks, "When can you come?" I was worried about the response and consulted the radiology department. Isn't it strange that we go to the same teacher? I said I was going home because I wasn't feeling well. I was directed to another consultation center. (Because I didn't go home at that time, I didn't think that I would be dizzy and unable to move on the way home...) The person at the consultation desk just kept saying "I see?" and pretended to be taking notes, not really listening. This is the first time I've seen such a terrible hospital. Should I get a second opinion if I have surgery? You have two choices: leave it until it dies... I don’t want to go so I’m going to leave it alone!! I don't want to be involved with you again!!

  • ニュニュモ日登美



    Thank you for your help with my artificial hip surgery. It was the most painful post-surgery experience of my life. However, I was saved by Dr. Hasue, a wonderful doctor, the kind nurses, and the rehabilitation doctor! I am not very cooperative at all, but I am grateful for this hospital stay. If you are concerned about artificial hip joint surgery, I would definitely recommend that you consult Dr. Hasue at Yuai Memorial Hospital and have the surgery performed. I'm surprised at how quickly I recovered. Although he has just been discharged from the hospital, he is walking without a cane and living a normal life.

  • 猫好きやっちゃん



    The eczema and redness on my face didn't improve much with ointment, so I came to the hospital with a referral letter. Dr. Kikuchi, dermatologist, and Dr. Yoshitake, gastroenterologist Both doctors examined me well and were very kind. He was a kind teacher who listened and was easy to talk to. I applied the prescribed facial ointment and wondered if the tea facial soap I always used wasn't good for me. My doctor pointed this out to me, so I stopped using it and after a while, the eczema on my skin subsided. Dr. Kikuchi came to the hospital for a test even though it wasn't my day to see a dermatologist. I was surprised when I saw him and asked, ``Are you okay?'' I was happy because I thought that there are very few teachers who can do such a thing. All the nurses who treated me It felt good. It's a hospital with such wonderful doctors. I dared to include the teacher's name. There aren't many good reviews, so maybe I just happened to find a good doctor or nurse? That's what I thought.

  • Ali Azhar

    Ali Azhar


    Great Experienced staff ., Fantastic service. I might give 7 Star Ranking

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