Sano Medical Association Hospital w Sano

JaponiaSano Medical Association Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1677 Uekamichō, Sano, Tochigi 327-0832, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 283-22-5358
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.303831, Longitude: 139.581994

komentarze 5

  • 鳳凰



    I had an X-ray taken at another orthopedic clinic, but was told that if I wanted to investigate further, I should go to a university hospital, so I wrote a letter of introduction and came to the Medical Association Hospital. It was my first time coming to the Medical Association Hospital and I was worried about where I should go after checking in, but there was colored tape on the floor in front of the reception and it was explained to me that I should use the red tape for MR examinations. I followed him and walked. I was able to get to the front of the MR examination room and my anxiety was relieved. Also, since it was an MR scan of my knee, I was able to wear casual clothes, which was nice. I was inside the device for about 30 minutes and couldn't move, so I felt drowsy and almost fell asleep. In addition to the front parking lot, there was a parking lot in the back, but it was called parking lot 5, so I wasn't sure where parking lots 2 to 4 were.

  • Kiyomi Fukuchi

    Kiyomi Fukuchi


    I fell ill early in the new year, and thank you for your help. Stomach and colon endoscopy and abdominal ultrasound after a long time. When I was having a difficult time, the technicians and nurses greeted me, rubbed my back, and treated me kindly. The nurses in the outpatient department and ward were kind and helpful, even though I was nervous because it was my first test in a while.

  • ng ri

    ng ri


    Shortcut voice big receptionist old lady. It was the worst thing to have a chubby person talk to me with all my personal information exposed. I can't give even one star. Impossible.

  • moca



    Thank you for your help with the MRI. After the test, I was told, ``Please wait for a moment,'' but the patient who came later was supposed to finish the test, pay the bill, and go home, but I wasn't called at all and it was so late that I asked, ``Did you submit the bill?'' "Who did you give it to?" and ended up skipping the checkout line. I would like the reception and accounting to be separate.

  • YSY II

    YSY II


    I don't want to add 1. It was my mistake to call without checking the time at night, and I am sorry. But there are too many ways to say no. She said in a very grumpy voice, ``Huh, um. It's past the night clinic hours,'' and then hung up. I was calling for emergency help, but they didn't even bother to listen to me. Even if he refused, was there no other way to say it? It was very sad.

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