Ibaraki Seinan Medical Center Hospital w 境町

JaponiaIbaraki Seinan Medical Center Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2190, 境町 猿島郡 茨城県 306-0433, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 280-87-8111
strona internetowej: www.seinan-mch.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.119008, Longitude: 139.796199

komentarze 5

  • __ kitty

    __ kitty


    My child was suffering from ear pain, so my local otorhinolaryngologist was closed, so I asked Dr. Uemaedomari to see him. At first, I was crying because I was scared, but the doctor and nurse calmed me down, and I was able to remove the wax from my ears and feel refreshed. thank you very much. I am indebted to obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, otolaryngology, dermatology, and surgery, but I am giving it 2 stars because the reception staff and some of the pediatricians are not very responsive.

  • そら



    I really don't want to post in a place like this, but I felt angry and the response was inappropriate, so I decided to do so. Today, my mother visited an orthopedic surgeon for a second opinion. The reception staff did not give me a good impression. Additionally, the nurse's response during the interview was cold, and negative comments were made about the oral pregabalin medication. In the examination room, the treatment of the flat doctor was also not good. Even though the patient (my mother) is talking right in front of me, I don't look at her face and just type on the computer.I want her to check to see if she has sciatica, but she doesn't even bother to examine my mother. I was also told, ``There's nothing I can do for you even if you come here, and now is not the right time to come.'' Other harsh words were said to me. Not only was his attitude not good, but I also wish he had chosen the words he wanted to use to convey his message. I am deeply disappointed in the reception staff, nurses, and doctors at the orthopedic clinic.

  • uno skyseagel

    uno skyseagel



  • ランブカチー



    I gave birth at this hospital 11 months ago and it was overall a pleasant experience. But today I am very disappointed that they sent us home saying that pediatric department is already closed. We arrived 11:20am and operating hours is until 11:30am. My son’s fever is 39.9 and yet they just sent us home

  • zeeshan ali

    zeeshan ali


    This Main central Hospital of this Area Doctor’s co worker are extremely polite and cooperative due to Main Hospital quick busy with lots of patients around this Area you Might have a wait quite Long even if you have appointment with Doctor Only one store offers daily necessary items which are expensive better to buy from outside

najbliższy Szpital

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