Yoyogi Post Office en Shibuya City

JapónYoyogi Post Office



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-42-2 Nishihara, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-943-590
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6769488, Longitude: 139.6822997

comentarios 5

  • Shane Reustle

    Shane Reustle


    Patient and helpful

  • Christopher Park

    Christopher Park


    I went to the Yoyogi branch of Post Bank to open a bank account but I can not speak Japanese well. A nice woman helped me and she provided me with a translator. She was very kind and helpful through the entire experience and I am very glad I chose this bank! The bank was really clean too and the atmosphere was very welcoming.

  • Andy Rhodes

    Andy Rhodes


    Something about this location, people are not very helpful and can never seem to get anything accomplished here! Avoid this location, bad vibes!

  • shark thaMan

    shark thaMan


    Its like no one speaks English here. I walked in and said "YO YO YO my peoples!!!" and everyone looked at me like I had a disease! I had a feeling I wasn't getting through to these people so I began to flap my arms to simulate a pigeon carrying mail. They began to motion very angrily with their hands at me and I left feeling very unsatisfied. On the upside, one female postal worker was wearing a very nice pantsuit.

  • Sumit Singh

    Sumit Singh


    Nice place

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