Shindaita Ekimae Post Office en Setagaya City

JapónShindaita Ekimae Post Office



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-29-7 Daita, Setagaya City, Tokyo 155-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3414-9280
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.662208, Longitude: 139.6605045

comentarios 5

  • Leona N

    Leona N


    Staff are to the point and kind enough to help through simple package shipments. Of course it helps if you already understand basic postal services. No troubles encountered here as a foreigner.

  • ぽすとん



    I went there to get a commemorative landscape stamp stamped. It is located on the first floor of a building, just a short walk from Shindaita Station. As the state of emergency due to the new coronavirus has just been lifted, There was a transparent sheet hanging over the counter of another post office I went to today. This one had already been removed (?) It wasn't there anymore, so it looked clean. The female staff member who asked for a landscape stamp said it herself, The method of stamping was unusual; both the postcard and the stamp were placed 180 degrees upside down. The outer frame of the landscape stamp is shaped like a plum, rather than a perfect circle, so it's easier to get a feel for it. As someone who collects items, I'm happy to see that they want to keep them clean. In addition, the landscape stamp is a plum, the ward's flower. After stamping the information that Hanegi Park near this post office is famous for plum blossoms, He explained to me while giving me a postcard and also gave me a manual. I think he was very kind and pleasant.

  • HS



    The landscape stamp is in the shape of a plum, which is cute. A female staff member undergoing training carefully and neatly He stamped it. Thank you very much!

  • issei sakamoto

    issei sakamoto


    The customer service of the staff is the worst. I don't even say hello. The two female clerks wearing training tags are arrogant and unpleasant. What are you training for? I stop by on my way to work because it's near the station, but it's always unpleasant. Manager, please develop your humanity. If the Family Mart across the street is Lawson, I'll stop there. disappointing

  • 衣見傾心(ころもん)



    The staff are kind, but they are very strict about the size of mail. Items that were normally judged to be 3 cm or less at other post offices were not accepted here. This may be due to the staff, but I apologize for giving it 2 stars.

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