Shinjuku Post Office en Shinjuku City

JapónShinjuku Post Office



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-8-8 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 163-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6902792, Longitude: 139.6966886

comentarios 5

  • C엘리



    I visited to use international shipping for the goods I've bought during my Japan trip. Despite my little knowledge of speaking Japanese, agent "Tokura" accompanied me nicely with good patience and decent English! Thank you so much !

  • Simon D'Rozario

    Simon D'Rozario


    Wanted to express my sincere thanks to Yamakawa-san. Came by today on a Sunday and I was sending multiple boxes with various regulations and limitations but he was really helpful throughout the whole ordeal. He understood my limited Japanese and offered to use simple English to communicate with me. Thank you so much Yamakawa-san :)

  • Jez S

    Jez S


    Excellent customer service. Tokura was extremely helpful, polite and spoke excellent English. He helped me ship two parcels home to the UK. I don’t know how I would have done it if it weren’t for his help! THANK YOU TOKURA!

  • Sommer



    Thank you Mr. Taruko for your help. Very friendly and helpful sending my items by surface to Australia. The staff member knew enough English to help send my package including insurance, box and tracking with no issues.

  • Evie Twist

    Evie Twist


    I had a fantastic experience at the shinjuku post office today. The staff that I dealt with were all incredibly kind and helpful despite me not speaking Japanese aside from the very bare minimum. I had done my research ahead of time to know what the process was and had my shipping labels filled out online so they could be printed at the counter. I arrived at 11:45 on a Thursday and was out before 12:30! Amazing.

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