York Benimaru en Sendai

JapónYork Benimaru



🕗 horarios

Shinmiyamae-8-1 Kamiayashi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3124, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-302-8722
sitio web: yorkbenimaru.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2687463, Longitude: 140.7600765

comentarios 5

  • 岩崎誠



    This is my favorite supermarket It's a cheap supermarket that you can go to even if you don't buy anything. There is a similar supermarket nearby, but among the general supermarkets, I think this is the best one🤭

  • Roberto Fracchia

    Roberto Fracchia


    The store staff are always kind. From 9pm, there are lots of discounts. It's only a 5 minute walk from Aiko Station, so I think it's convenient even if you don't have a car.

  • sato eric

    sato eric


    I went there 20 minutes before closing before the holidays, and there were quite a few customers. Even though it closes, it's 10pm, so there are still a lot of shoppers in Sendai city, and that's right before the holidays. However, after 9:30, the self-checkout registers and manned registers were closed and only one manned register (with only one cashier clerk) was in operation. Thanks to that, there was a long line waiting at the register! ! This is the first time I've seen people lined up like this at York-Benimaru. We lined up around the time of Ropia's opening sale! ! Since it was the night before the holidays, I think we could expect a lot of customers, but the response was too lenient. . . I thought that other cash registers should be reopened as soon as possible because there were stocking items and other employees, but the other employees didn't notice and the cashier didn't have time to notice the long line. It seemed unlikely. Just when I started to get irritated, someone yelled, "Please come in!" and finally another cash register was activated, making the number of manned cash registers two. The old employee went into the cash register while apologizing, and finally the cashier was able to pay the bill, but by the time I finished paying, it was already past 10pm, the closing time. There is also the possibility that cashiers and other staff may have to work longer hours, so I think this is a management error on the part of the store. I want you to follow the example of York Benimaru in Minami Yoshinari, which is nearby! ! Minami Yoshinari is superior in terms of in-store products, customer service, cashier handling, etc. The York Benimaru Aiko store is too bad, so I would like the store manager etc. to receive training at another store.

  • Ahmed Raza

    Ahmed Raza


    Good supermarket

  • Steve Hakk

    Steve Hakk


    Best York Benimaru in Sendai is located in Minami Yoshinari. McDonald's is next door and there's also a drug store nearby. The worst thing about this store is the parking lot.

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