Moriya en Sendai




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3-chōme-25-18 Asahigaoka, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0904, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-727-9981
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2955234, Longitude: 140.8846338

comentarios 5

  • しらたま



    February 21st 17:50 When you're in line at the cash register. A black-haired clerk who had been at the cash register with a bandage on his right wrist said, ``This cash register was closed.'' (There was no sign that the cash register was closed, only the cart was upside down.) The moment I tried to line up at another cash register, the clerk said, "Okay!" and the staff started preparing the cash register. What do you mean by "good"? I wasn't directed to another cash register, and I couldn't even have a conversation, which was very unpleasant, so I thought I'd stop buying if I felt like this. As if my unpleasant attitude was understood, she asked me things like "Did you wait?", but even before I asked about the waiting time, I got angry at her choice of words. If the cash register was closed, I think there were other ways of saying things and guiding them.

  • 加藤正敏



    If the register is crowded, you may have to wait quite a while. Next time I buy a lunch box, will I have regular disposable chopsticks? I hear things like that, but I never listen. I don't want to say anything because I feel like they won't let me know unless I tell them. Next, there are no problems with the management of prepared foods at the store, but unfortunately there are a lot of things that are a little biased. Some products such as seafood have been spoiled once, so if you are not careful, there is a possibility that you will get food damage. I would like to see more thorough management among employees and improvements. Although the ingredients have been improved little by little, there are many other things that need to be taken care of, so we appreciate your continued efforts and feedback. As for bento boxes, those that are discounted on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays sell out quickly, so if you come after 7:40 pm, you won't find much. Even if it happens occasionally, there aren't many good ones left, so it's really first come, first served.

  • ずんだのもちこ



    I think it's amazing that even if you go around 9am, there are still some bento boxes and side dishes lined up. When it comes to bento boxes and side dishes, there are some that are wallet-friendly for their size, but there are some that are quite expensive, so you might want to do some research on the prices. Depending on the freshness of some fresh foods, just looking at the color can make you wonder, so I check the store's lighting rather than the display shelves before buying. Meat in particular looks nice when it's on display, but when you pick it up and look at it under the store's lighting, the color may look bad, and vegetables, even if they're not very vibrant, are normal. I'm selling it. When I see items that would be sold out at other supermarkets listed at regular prices, I get the impression that the store staff don't really check the products. There is an eat-in table next to the entrance. However, the table can only be used for products purchased at this store. That information is posted.

  • YU A

    YU A


    This is a supermarket that you stop by when using the subway station. This place is surprisingly crowded even on weekdays, with many people using the rest corner for their lunch boxes. Here, if you purchase one or more items regardless of the amount, you will get 1 hour of free parking, which is the biggest point. Even during the earthquake, unlike the Miyagi Co-op, we worked hard to contribute to the local community, and for better or for worse, we are a local supermarket.

  • Bhattarai Bigyan

    Bhattarai Bigyan


    Products are good and a huge variety of products available..the only thing I don't like is to get closed at 12 AM.

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