Vie Fujisaki en Sendai

JapónVie Fujisaki



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Japan, 〒982-0011 Miyagi, Sendai, Taihaku Ward, Nagamachi, 7-chōme−20−5 ララガーデン長町 ララガーデン長町1階
contactos teléfono: +81 22-246-7377
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2247459, Longitude: 140.8755763

comentarios 5

  • Y T

    Y T


    Located on the first floor of LaLa Garden Nagamachi. I can't say that they have a wide selection of products, but it's nice to be able to purchase Tenshi's warabi mochi, Hanaeen pudding, etc. There will also be a mini event corner to coincide with the main store's event.

  • Chabo



    ◉Visited in June 2022 Chiba's specialty is peanuts. Peanut Manju is a typical sweet from Nagomi no Yoneya in Chiba Prefecture, and is a popular Japanese sweet along with Peanut Monaka. Veefujisaki in Nagamachi, Sendai City sells it, and although they didn't have monaka that day, I had the peanut manju for the first time in a while. The inside is filled with peanut paste and has a chewy texture. ◉Visited in April 2022 I bought a Sanpouroku from Obihiro City's Ryugetsu that was on sale at the Hokkaido Product Exhibition. A seasonal limited edition product, Spring Ga Sane, a refreshing pink strawberry and milk rich product. It was limited to 200 pieces, but I was able to purchase it on the first day of the event. The moist Baumkuchen with a slight strawberry taste was coated with white chocolate and was very delicious.

  • hiliterummenthol



    Petit Fujisaki. However, I think the only place where men will take care of you is from Floprostige (and that should be the case). I'll take care of the cake once in a while. There are also clothes, but they are for women. [210505] Flo Prostige quite a while ago? The cake is gone. Sad. I buy it from Itagaki...

  • 信子



    When I became a friend on LINE, I received a coupon and it was the only day I could go, so I went quickly. The coupon could not be used in conjunction with other tickets, but when I asked about this just to be sure, I was told that it was okay to use them all together. I like things like this that allow me a little flexibility. Of course, there is probably a workplace manual, but what about the convenience for customers? I'm happy to see customer service that focuses on things like this. Unlike a new person who ignores the manual and says, ``Oh no, that's okay,'' a young person will check with someone who seems to be a veteran, and then the veteran will tell them that it's okay to do the accounting once. I felt more secure because he gave me one. In addition, I received a little advice on how to eat canelés, and I was given a lot of ice packs depending on the time I was carrying them (depending on the place, there are quite a few places where you have to pay for ice packs, right?). I was impressed that it was being done.

  • Genli Wu

    Genli Wu


    It is a convenient environment that Fujisaki can use willingly than the main office in the big business center. Ideal for gifts, souvenirs, and a little reward. The clerk is subtle. It is also helpful to have essential oils.

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