York Benimaru en Shiroishi

JapónYork Benimaru



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1-12 Ōtemachi, Shiroishi, Miyagi 989-0276, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 224-22-4661
sitio web: yorkbenimaru.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.0016033, Longitude: 140.6192432

comentarios 5

  • J



    Even if the store is newly renovated, the store staff are always silent. It doesn't matter whether you are an employee, part-time worker, or part-time worker. Even if we pass each other, we are not welcome. What's good about self-checkout and cashier staff being pleasant? Probably a part-time worker selling juice at night. Even if I approach you, I won't turn away, Even if we pass each other, we don't say anything. That's what the store manager said Is it being taught? If so, you're wrong. Am I the only one who thinks so? I think anyone who works at a store would feel the same way.

  • Sanae K

    Sanae K


    I stopped by to charge my EV on my way from Sendai to Nasu via Zao and bought some side dishes for a light lunch. The perilla miso rice balls were very delicious! The potato salad is also delicious with a smooth texture. There was also cut fruit, and the packaging was convenient for those who wanted to eat it right away. Electronic payment (iD) was also supported for payment, which was convenient. The parking lot was spacious and the staff at the self-checkout counter were very helpful. When I was paying the bill, there was an announcement on the air about Oma's tuna sale, and it was 1,000 yen per pack. How nice!

  • hana Wong

    hana Wong


    After visiting the large supermarket on the way to Shiraishi City, there are not many people on weekday afternoons. There are many snacks and seasonings, and you can also see cheap strawberries🍓. It is a supermarket only used by locals, which is a great experience.

  • ハリー・バーンズ



    This was my first time visiting Shiroishi since I returned to Shiroishi two years ago. There are plenty of side dishes. The location is conveniently located next to Shiroishi City Hall. If you go to Shiroishi, you'll have to drive, so location may not be a differentiator. There's a drug store attached, and a laundry and lottery ticket office are all located on the same premises, making it very convenient. Benimaru is probably the best supermarket in Shiroishi. A beautiful store with a sophisticated impression. The rival horse is Co-op. Co-ops have a membership system and home delivery services, so they can differentiate themselves from regular supermarkets. The sales floor, hot noodle corner, and food court that serve as an event space between the co-op entrance and cash register are also attractive. York-Benimaru is a supermarket chain of the Ito-Yokado Group (Seven & i). In the Kanto region, there is York Mart, which is part of the same group. A long time ago, I used to go to the company's headquarters in Koriyama for business negotiations. (Accompanied business meeting with wholesaler) According to my research, there are currently about 250 stores in total. If I recall correctly, when we were conducting business negotiations, there were about 100 stores, but the number has increased. I don't have it in Shiraishi, but I like Benimaru more than Ion supermarkets. It's true that Miyagi Prefecture has a strong consumer cooperative, with 61 stores in the supermarkets around here. Yamazawa, headquartered in Yamagata, has a total of 69 stores. I think all of them had gone to the head office for business negotiations. Most of them are large chains because it is important to reduce costs by increasing the number of stores through volume discounts. . Small supermarkets have disappeared. Recently opened Fresco Kikuchi used to have about 10 stores, but it seems like they are steadily increasing the number of stores. (When I looked on the internet, it seems that there is a regional supermarket union with Fresco Kikuchi in Soma, Oban in Yamagata, Maiya in Iwate, and Maeda in Aomori) Yamazawa sells 10x points days. It seems that Rakuten EDY will be introduced at Yamazawa, so from now on, it may be possible to use electronic money differently. For nanaco, it's Benimaru. I guess it can't be helped that bigger is better. .

  • mick samiwood (samiwoodmick)

    mick samiwood (samiwoodmick)


    Very normal. As the store nears closing time, similar price reductions begin everywhere, but since you are right in front of people who have items that are set to be reduced in price, it would be kind of you to at least offer to lower the price. thought. If they don't call out to you, you'll be sent to the cash register without having the final price tag affixed. It may be a rule to do so, but I think it's a little unkind. I don't think it's just people who are aiming for it.

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