Fresco Kikuchi en Zaō

JapónFresco Kikuchi



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Nishiurakita-44-1 Enda, Zaō, Katta District, Miyagi 989-0821, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 224-29-3935
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.0993604, Longitude: 140.6560714

comentarios 5

  • ゴン



    The more you go, the more you realize how convenient it is. It's a must-have supermarket in this area, with a wide selection of sashimi and side dishes.

  • のんのん



    The selection is better than I expected and I was surprised at the low prices! I happened to be passing by and entered the store, but they had discounts so I ended up shopping a lot lol Since it was Christmas, I bought some chicken and it was delicious.

  • ponpoko



    I went shopping when I traveled to Zao. Local vegetables are fresh and very cheap! A whole Chinese cabbage costs 150 yen! I'm starting to feel sad that I'm buying a 1/4 size product for 98 yen (and I'm happy when I can buy it for 78 yen...). In addition to vegetables, there were rice crackers, rice cakes, and manju buns. In the fresh fish section, there is octopus from Miyagi Prefecture. Robust taste and softness ♪ Recommended (^_-)-☆ What I found a little strange was the set of herring roe and edamame. How do I eat this? Should I mix it up and add soy sauce? I was interested because I like herring numbers. Kurikoma Kogen pork is apparently cheaper on the 15th of every month. It's easy to understand because it's not just a flyer, but a pop-up! It was right around the time when the big cold wave hit, so there was a pop-up that said, ``Let's stock up.'' It's a very kind shop (*^^*) The parking lot is spacious, and the store aisles are wide and bright, making shopping easy. Next time I go to Zao, I would like to buy a lot of local vegetables before going home.

  • Blake Porter

    Blake Porter


    Had everything we needed for our stay at a cabin nearby. It was really handy for when we needed to do a beer run or forgot to grab something

  • Ella Anna

    Ella Anna


    They have a relatively wide selection of products, and many of them are reasonably priced. I'm jealous because the meat and fish are sold at better prices than in supermarkets in the metropolitan area!

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