Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital en Shibuya City

JapónTokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital


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2-chōme-34-10 Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0013, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3444-1181
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Latitude: 35.6469252, Longitude: 139.721594

comentarios 5

  • KAYE



    Lol.. I have severe cough and back pain and the doctor from this hospital only gave me aspirin

  • Yasmine Soiffer

    Yasmine Soiffer


    Took my son here as Red Cross was busy. The one pediatrician barely conducted an exam, and said he didn’t speak English. But he found the words in English to lecture us about how we should speak Japanese. We’ve been here 3 months! Not appropriate!

  • j f

    j f


    Was directed here by a helpline after a serious injury, called to explain I had poor Japanese but I needed to see a doctor. I have insurance and I'm a resident of Japan but I was turned away due to the language barrier. Absolutely terrible, just as bad as everyone else says.

  • Yuri P

    Yuri P


    I’ve had a great experience. Recently I called an ambulance then was brought here. The ER doctor was honestly great. From my symptom he took my spinal fluids and defined that I’d had meningitis. I ended up staying there for 2 weeks. It was the scariest moment of my life honestly. But my neurosurgeon was brilliant and all the nurses were spectacular. I can’t thank them enough and they all made me feel safe and great. I don’t know people here seem like they didn’t have great experiences. I really really do recommend this hospital.

  • Daniel Perez (Danz)

    Daniel Perez (Danz)


    Do not go here. I went there to the ER and did tests and were unable to detect sepsis. Next time I was there I was in the ambulance. The service was terrible and the staff made so many mistakes in doing blood tests because they had trouble finding my vein. I now lost permant use of half my hand. The icu was loud at night and could not sleep as people were shouting through the night and the patient next to me was crawling into my bed. The solution was to give me sleeping pills. They made me sign papers when I was delirious with fever and had no idea what was going on. They dis unecesaru tests on me when I had sepsis like dental?! Which I got charged for and did not help my recovery at all just an extra cost. And sent a physiotherapist to my bed when I was unable to move. All he could do was say hi. Which I got charged for. And after fighting to be released no one informed me of post sepsis syndrome that occurs after contracting sepsis. I have not been able to work all year. This hospital service was unacceptable in treating patients. And almost all staff edicate was unacceptable. I learnt that too late from a doctor friend that hospital vary in quality. This one is at the lower end. Do not go here.

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